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This one shot is kinda inspired from a book by the name namjin oneshots(I'll link it ) can read it to read the original one. Luv author♡♡♡

"You sure they won't be back soon?" Jin asked looking at namjoon. "Am damn sure! They are gone for know they take ages like bunch of high school girls simping over clothes. Even yoongi." Namjoon said pulling jin closer. "Are you sure?" Jin asked in a soft tone. "Am sure......" namjoon said unbottoning his shirt.

As he took in jin's mouth and kissed his plump lips. Soon Jin gave in as he kissed back. Namjoon let his tounge in as he fought for dominace, but today jin won as he explored the slightly taller man's mouth smirking slightly. 

(Litreally 30 minutes later)
"Seeee I told you that shop has got some sick cloths and it is soo awesome!" Taehyung said. "But shopping was sooo boring I was bored."yoongi said whining as they entered yoongi's room. "Dont enjoyed being in that all black section buying caps and t shirts." Hoseok said. "That is the only place I love." Yoongi said rolling his eyes. "Whatever it was.....I got these new pairs of jeans and am more than happy with them." Jimin said holding a pair of jeans. "Show me!" Jungkook said as he took the pair of jeans in his hand.

"They are nice!" Jungkook said holding them near his legs. "Show me too!" Taehyung said as he basically fought with jungkook for the jeans. "Hey hey don't fight!" Hoseok said as jimin stood horrified.

The pants flew towards the wall in their 'fight'. "I'll get it! Dont touch them!" Jimin said hurrying towards his pants. He was very close to the wall when he heard, "Jin...slower!" Was it namjoon? Jimin frowned a little as he basically put his ear on the wall trying to hear more. "Jin....ahh Seokjin!" Was it namjoon.....moaning? And calling....jin's name? Why? "Hey what is taking you soo long!" Yoongi called jimin out. "Guys....I think namjoon and jin hyung are in the other room." "Did you forgot.....they shifted in one 3 months ago?" Hoseok said in a sarcastic voice.

"No....I think....they.......are....having Sex." Jimin said looking towards them. The 5 men looked at jimin. And then hurried towards the wall gluing their ears on the wall. Jimin was right because they heard it. "JIN! Ahh" was namjoons voice......was jin top? And namjoon bottom? They heard it for few minutes until hoseok said with a red face, "Yo guys it's not good to hear stuff like this....where are your manners? " they all scurried away towards their beds. "Wow...I can't belive they are having Sex right there....." taehyung said crossing his arms. "Are they in relationship?" Jungkook asked. "I think soo kookie..." yoongi said. "What surprises me is that jin is top? Like litreally? Namjoon is bottom? Like why? How?" Jimin said his arms crossed. "Is this really the biggest question you have?" Yoongi said.

"What surprises me is that why didn't they said about their relationship to us?" Jungkook said crossing his arms. "True. But....its their personal know...we just can't expect them to tell us litreally everything now....can we?" Jimin said. "But....aren't we I mean...all we would have done...would be to support them...even now.......then why hide stuff from us?" Yoongi said. "Hyung is  right....we need to confront!" Jungkook said crossing his arms. "Not now kookie!" Hoseok gasped. "Why not?" Jungkook asked. "They clearly are embarrassing and awkward it will be for both of them and us to like....catch them when they are clearly doing something......" hoseok said as a blush creeped his face.

"What if....they aren't even in a just happened in the moment." Taehyung said. "Who basically have a make out session in the moment?" Yoongi said rolling his eyes. "I meannnn..........we need to confirm it...from would be true....only if they do it know" taehyung said getting red. "Its lame.....but why I don't know.....I agree with you kinda." Jungkook said. "Lets just see....." jimin said staring at the wall leading to the 'secert couples' bedroom.

"Guys?" They heard someone knocking their door. "Shit!" Jimin said. "Guys? Are you in there?" It was jin. "What do we do?" Hoseok asked panicking. "Shut up act normalll" yoongi said as he went to get the door. "Oh...hi jinnnnn" yoongi said extending the n in a musical way. "Hi yoongi....when did you guys came back?" Jin asked. "Umm...litreally.......5 minutes ago.." yoongi said leaning against the door frame. "Ohh ok...just came to say the dinner is can come and eat it!" Jin said as he walked off.

They came in and sat on the dinner table. Namjoon was already there. His hairs were a bit messed up and he had a bright pink spot near his collar bone. Usually they wouldn't have noticed it. But then they did today. "Hi!" Namjoon said. "Hi...." hoseok said as he inspected the said man head to toe. "Why are you all standing? Sit!" Namjoon said smiling. "Ye..s we'll sit." Jimin said making everyone sit. They sat as food was placed on their plates. They just didn't knew how should they start a conversation. So they just sat and ate awkwardly. "Is everything alright?" Jin asked looking at them. 

Jungkook looked dead in the eyes of jin and said, "no"  "Why? What happened?  Is everything alright?" Jin asked with concern. "We just found out that two of our friends are in relationship." Jungkook said. Taehyung and yoongi choked on their food as jungkook said. "Sooo? Is something bad about it?" Namjoon asked leaning on the table. "Yes...I mean we are happy for them....but like.......we are also a little upset. You see" jimin said. "Ohh....but why?" Jin asked. "Well you see hyung.....we we....all are really really close to these sooo close like we just tell them everything about ourselves and stuff......but then we are sad because they didn't trusted us with relationship and.....let's just say we found about them in the worst possible manner." Hoseok said.

"In what way?" Namjoon asked getting interested in the talk. "Wellll.............we....kinda....heard them" taehyung said. "Talking about their relationship I suppose?" Jin asked. "No....we actually heard them........while.....they were in middle of something.........." yoongi said getting red. "They were in middle of something?what were they...ohhhhhh! Ohhhhh! Ohhh now I get it" Namjoon said as he realized. "I didn't get it though....joon what were they in middle of?" Jin asked looking at namjoon puzzled. "Hyung! They caught them having Sex!" Namjoon said. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jin said as his ears got red.

"Yes........but we didn't like litreally exposed we just heard we want to confront them......but not in an embarrassing situation like we just want to confront both of them and ask the reasons for the treason in our friendship." Jimin said. "Hmmm....sooo what you want? Like you just want to straight up confront to them that you heard them having Sex?" Namjoon said his arms crossed frowing a little thinking hard. "Come on namjoon! That is such an embarrassing way to confront" Jin said crossing his arms.

"Then what do you suggest ?" Namjoon asked."Hmmm how that game truth dare or something like it.....ask the question related to their relationship....and basically let them confess...." Jin said smiling. "But what if they lied?" Yoongi asked....." see........see for signs like when people like they have some kind of they might not be able to see in your eyes....or will get flushed.....or something like that?" Jin said."that is genius honestly" namjoon said. "I know I am a jinius you know?" Jin said winking a little towards namjoon.

They all (except namjin) looked at each other. Should they do it? Or should they not?

Did you liked it? I think it was bad..........anyways.....should they expose them in pt2 or not?

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