one night in the club(jinmin)

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An:- kinda cliché oneshot but these days am experiencing writers block....any suggestions from you guys are open......

"Hey jin.....drink it don't act like a pussy!" Yoongi said handing him the small shot glass containing vodka. "Yah! Am still the oldest among you! Talk to me with respect." Jin said rolling his eyes. "Hyung! Come on its your 21st birthday! You are an legal adult! You can finally have drinks...comeon we payed a large amount to be here in this club!" Jungkook said. Jin sighed. He looked at the glass. The liquid was clear. With salt on the rim of the glass. Yoongi was holding a lemon slice for when jin takes the shot he can  lick the lemon. He took a long breath. And gulped the liquid down.

Holy shit. It was bitter. Like really bitter. He quickly took the lemon licking it. Ahh finally felt better. He just turned 21 years old today. And his roommate slash his bestfriends who were an year or two younger than him. But they were completly opposite to his behavior sure the three of them are like the biggest introverts. Would rather stay home and will not talk for days unless its really important. But the 2 of them were kinda trouble maker sure the youngest was 19 so what it never stopped him from getting a can of beer or a shot of tequila. And sure yoongi was 20 but that also never stopped him frome getting himself a vodka martini.

"Thats like my man." Yoongi said patting jin's back. "Shut up...worst experience I have had with alcohol." Jin said. Jungkook and yoongi giggled a little knowing that the older will soon enough get used to it. As they went to order some drinks for themselves. Jin sighed as he stood there looking everywhere. It was first time he came in a place like this, there were people mostly rich. But they were all soo different from each other. Talking over the loud music and laughing. He kinda liked it. He was looking here and there when he saw him.

As if an Epiphany struck him. As if it was serendipity. He saw him. He was standing there as if he was the main character. Black suit, well pressed white shirt buttons undone halfway. Hair neatly geled up behinde a strand of hair falling over his forehead. He looked like the God of beauty. Surrounded with bunch of men. Ofcourse taller than him. He was left starstruck. Funny he was left starstruck just by a stranger. He giggled to himself taking a sip of wine they had ordered. It was better than Vodka.

"Jimin...i can suggest you only one thing...forget about him. He wasn't worth you." Namjoon jimin's best friend said. "You don't get it hyung....he was my everything...." jimin said. "Come on jimin.....don't you remember our situation? Namjoon too was broken...but then we both found each other." Hoseok namjoon's boyfriend said.

"Oh comeon...hobi hyung it's not the time to give your relationship as an example to jimin...ok..." taehyung his cousin said. "Ok fine am sorry..." hoseok said. Park jimin. Son of the biggest business man of the town. He was in a relationship with a really famous male model. Who broke up with him. He was left heartbroken. And his friends can not see him sad so here they were in the club. Trying to distract their friends mind of his ex.

"Hey...look there are soo many people right know maybe someone is your type?" Taehyung said. Jimin sighed. Why can't they understand he can never forget his love. They both were meant to be each other's and not breakup! He sighed. As he looked around. Nah no one amused him like he did. He kept looking just for his friends sake. He kept looking.

When he thought he saw some one extremely pretty looking at him. As soon as jimin looked at the tall broad shouldered man, he saw a blush creeping over his cheeks and ears. "Cute..." he mumbled as he giggled a little. "Who? That dude?" Namjoon asked as he turned towards the direction his friend looked. Yup there he saw, a really tall, broad shouldered guy with a really pretty face, short ruffled hair, with slight redness over cheeks and ears. "Ahh he really is cute. You should give it a try." Namjoon said nudging the younger by his side.

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