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Edited:-paragraphs spaced, spellings mistakes and typos corrected, grammatical mistakes checked (minor)

Seokjin woke up and streached his body. He sighed as he looked at his roommate who was sleeping peacefully. He stepped out of the room into kitchen because he needed to make breakfast.

He turned the stove on and started to beat the egg yolk and egg white together to make a fluffy omlet breakfast for everyone. Just then he felt a pair of arms sneak their way past seokjins waist and a head resting on his shoulder. He soon heard a groggy "good morning" from the sunshine of the group. He smiled and said "good morning hobi" in a cheerful voice. He kept working and Hobi stayed glued to the older. "Why so clingy today?" Jin asked chuckling a bit. "I dont know, I just want to be with you today" he said. Jin smiled and continued his work. Soon jungkook walked out of his room. And like he built a habit over the past 10 years he walked to the kitchen in order to hug his most favorite person in the world, his seokjin hyung.

As soon as he entered the kitchen his face turned into a frown. His hyung was stolen by hobi! Hoseok rested his head on Jin's shoulder just the way jungkook did every morning. He wouldn't have mind it but today he was feeling extra clingy towards his favorite person.

Soon Jin moved from the kitchen counter to the dinning table in the living room, and hoseok too detached him self to lay the plates. Seokjin was in kitchen to get bowls when jungkook hugged him tight. "Woah what happened ?" Jin asked. "Nothing just wanna say good morning" he said in jin's neck. Jin chuckled and pushed him a little since he had to work. Jungkook left his hyung and went to the dining room. Not knowing that hoseok saw them two hug in the kitchen. Which made him jealous. Everyone was awake by now and started to take their usual seats on the table.

Taehyung and jimin beside each other, followed by hoseok, followed by yoongi at the corner and jin beside jungkook who sat beside namjoon after all he found namjoon cool. But today hoseok sat on jungkooks seat and asked him to sit at his place. That made jungkook upset. "But I sit there every single day!" Jungkook said. "But I am older and want to sit here today" said hoseok and sat. That made jungkook annoyed. But he sat on the other side.

Everyone was busy with their own  chatter, taehyung and jimin were talking about the upcoming online concert they were holding and namjoon was reading a book while yoongi slowly like very slowly ate his breakfast. Whereas the  concern for jungkook was the way hosoek got jin's attention.

He made him laugh, he also served him with his hands. And they were talking endlessly. "Kookie?" Namjoon said. "Yeah" jungkook said in slightly annoyed tone, "I am getting free today by 12.30pm and I think you too are getting free by the same time, wanna have lunch together?" He asked. "Sorry hyung am kinda busy today" he said still looking at hoseok.  "Ohh ok how about you yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asked. "Sure am free by 12." Yoongi said shrugging.

Soon they were on their way to the company and hoseok slept on Jin's shoulder. He was already annoyed, He decided he too needs the same attention. He  kept his head on Jin's shoulder as well. Jin was kind of confused as to what's wrong with the two, but he shrugged it off. Jungkook kept his head on his shoulder and took intrest in his hyungs mobile phone. There were personal, and known  contacts in his phone. He spotted his number saved as jungoo a nickname his hyung gave to him.

He nuzzled his face into jin's neck  taking in his sweet scent. He sneaks his arm around jin's torso and hold him close. "What's gotten into you?" Jin asked, "Nothing." He said sighing, Jin shrugged it off. Soon they reached the company and it became quite awkward to get out of the car because there were litreally two people on both side glued to him.

Yoongi peeked in and said "they must be having the time of their lives sleeping like this. Lucky them" he smirks and goes off. Jin rolls his eyes and says "guys come on we are here! Come on wake up!" He said shaking them both. Both woke up and rubbed their eyes and were met by Jin and each others face. They smiled at jin but then their expression turned into that of annoyance once they saw each other.

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