Mr.Perfectly fine(miss right pt3)

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Hyung can you pass me the remote?" Jungkook asked jin. "Noona...pass me the remote...." Jin mumbled. Past 3 weeks jin had been in a women's body. Well jin found it really weired for the first 1 week but somehow jin had given up hope of turning back in a man again. He slowly started to prefer the term of she. Oh he hated it. But then here he was correcting jungkook into calling him a noona. Jin just didn't knew what to do.

So he started to slowly accept his fate of being a women. He sighed. So many things have changed between him and his members as well. It's almost like they kind of avoid him? Who knows. He feels lonely because there is no one to relate to how he feels being a women. He just can't tell hoseok that he is experiencing pms.  Or how he feels like shit during his periods. Or how irritated he gets during the same. But he just can not lash out on his members either because it wasn't their fault that he got turned in a women.

And even the boys had more internal jokes which jin was never a part of. They never talked with Jin about a crazy wet dream they had the previous night nor do they talk with him about their feelings anymore. They just act too manly. And the only conversation jin had with his members used to be of how their day went in the company and how jin spent his whole day at home trying to come up with stuff or trying to turn back in a man. It was as if his opinions were less valued than they were as a man.

Jin hated this body for the first few days. Standing infront of mirror throwing off slurs towards his body because oh how manly he was when he was a man. Oh how  perfect his abs looked. Oh how girls used to drool over him. Because he was a man. Ah he was a man. He just was not able to accept the fact that he got turned in a women. It was really hard for him. And worst part being no one he knew related to him. How is he supposed to feel?

Like that day when  he went in convince store, he walked down different aisle got all the grocery with 2 full cards standing in a line for at least 30 minutes. Waiting patiently. When a guy with equal amount of stuff that jin bought cut him of in the line. "Hey!" Jin said. "Oh listen lady, I have far less stuff than you so let me come forward" he said. And even the dude at the grocery store said lady let the kind man be at front. As if he wasn't kind enough.

Or to that day when jin came back from working for a song in namjoon's studio all tired and sleepy standing in the train. When he over heard the conversation of 2 people. "Women are the most dramatic creatures of all. They be staying at home and still be like why can't you see we work so hard. When their hard work consists of cleaning the house for like 30 minutes and gossip over the phone with their friends for hours on end while the man of the house keep working hard to pay off the bills. And the  complaint about the basic duties that they have to do.

And then they want to go out and work and be independent. And then they will act like complete bitches when the work pressure takes over and cry over it and be like it's so hard. Well girl it would have been better if you stayed home and taken care of your face and your house. Working and buisness is a men's job. Not women. Any ways women's dont work hard to ear their salary." Jin stood there anger seething out. It is complet nonsense. He worked as hard as he did when he was a man and he worked equally hard when he is a women.

Well does namjoon think the same way? Of his women self? He thought. Because namjoon never took his suggestions in consideration the way he did when he was a man. He no more listened to him with full attention taking notes or points of the changes he think will make their work better. He just went "Yeah good" these days. Was his point even valid?

That same day when he returned back, hoseok saw him with heavy bags and said, "hyung...let me help! You must be tired carrying these bags." He said. But he didn't asked for help and hoseok never did that when he was a man. Unless jin asked to. And jin was perfectly capable to pick those bags up, but why did hoseok thought he was weak? Not just hoseok. All the boys started to see him as weak, they all thought that he needed help in the everyday stuff he did when he was a man and was strong enough to do them. Sire he didn't minded the help when he was tired or had some kind of issue but then it mattered to him now.

The situation were so not obvious for Jin when they decided to have drinks that night. And all of them had some, while jin had to stick to wine. Why? Wine is lighter and perfect for a women. While them men had all the whiskey. It is not like the boys were being sexist knowingly. Because they respected women's a lot. They supported everything a woman decided to do. But then unknowingly they were being sexists. Was jin a sexist too when he was a man?

While jin was going through the emotional roller coaster, boys too went through one, as their feelings over their hyung was taking over them. By now they all knew that they loved Kim seokjin. No not because he was a woman now but because they loved Kim seokjin. The man he was and even the woman he is now. They just dont care whether he is a man or woman they just loved Jin. And that was the trouble for them will their hyung love them back and accept their emotions? They were just really anxious about that and avoided their jin as much as they can.

That night they decided to get drunk. Jin drank his whiskey slowly. Too drunk to drink fast. Too drunk because he was red. "Hyung..." jungkook said. Jin hummed looking at his glass. "Wanna tell something..." he said. Jin nodded in agreement. "I love you." He said, " I doo too" Jin whispered. "No not in friends way..I love you like a lover.,,get married to me...," jungkook drunk blurted out. "Fuck jungkook he is a kid, I am just 3 months younger than you...marry me....we make perfect couple...' yoongi said. "Ahh...shut feel safe with me.....thats why you ask me to sleep with you soo let me marry you..." namjoon said. "Bruh...he makes me flustered. He hugged me the first when he became a woman..." taehyung said. "Dude he made you flustered...I made HIM flustered...what about it huh...." jimin said.

"You guys are only attracted to me cause am a wouldn't love me if I turn back in a man..." Jin said truthfully. "Nah....we love you...." namjoon said. "Yeah we thought about it......for weeks....and we came to conclusion that we love you despite of your gender. We don't care.,," hoseok said. "Whether you love us or don't...we love you.,,. We just wanted you to know" Yoongi said. Jin red with blush and the drink said, "I love you too guys....." he said.

And they slept. Namjoon who had been sleeping with jin since the incidence was sleeping. Jin got up and went to bathroom. Sure he was drunk but not soo drunk that he lost his mind. He sighed. Looking at himself. For first time ever. He didn't despised it like he did before. Sure he was not so found of his body as he was before, but he accept it. The curves, the flaws which came along. He embraced it. He didn't had slurs to throw at his body anymore. Surprisingly. As if he finally accepted who he was. Beautiful. That's what he was.

He smiled taking a hair tie he borrowed from hoseok, tying his long black hair back. Unstrapping his bra throwing it off in corner. Yup he doesn't need anything else to feel comfortable. He just need himself to be comfortable. He don't need to mold himself into the eyes of the society. He works hard. He is strong, and his opinions are as valid as are his members.

He is still worth more than  anything else
In the world like he was when he was a man. It really doesn't matters anymore, he is himself. So the body never mattered anyways. He learnt and experienced what most never get to. He got to see the world in a different perspective and now he was more than excited to explore this world through the new perspective he have earned. Through a humans  perspective.

He smiled as he walked off towards his bed. Hugging namjoon as he fell asleep.

Namjoon woke up next day with a headache. Yup a hangover. He held his head up trying to get up. He felt someone's hand on top. He looked at the person whom it belonged. Short dark brown hair, broad shoulders firm muscled body, almond shaped eyes, plump lips and a small nose. Namjoon smiled. So jin was back in his body.
An:-Sooo I thought about letting jin stay in a woman's body but then.....I think I can expand that idea further and make a book outta it with that kinda stuff. So I think that for oneshot this ending was fairly good. Yup jin accepted his woman side but more than that he accepted himself. And that was more important regardless of the gender he was put in. (I hope you get what I meant to say)

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