Episode 5

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Olivia was fuming after slapping her ex-husband on hearing the news Caitlin was alive and she couldn't believe it. Gregory felt the sting of the slap on the side of his face with Trey and Cole were still in shock at what they had just seen.

Olivia – You monster...

Gregory – Olivia I-

Olivia – SAVE IT GREGORY! I can't BELIVE you would keep that from me, keep that from ALL of us! She's our DAUGHTER for crying out loud!

Trey – Mom, calm down alright? Don't get your blood pressure going or you're going to be put in a coma again.

Cole – He's right Olivia, as much as you have every right to go off on Gregory your health matters the most.

Olivia – Yes, my health AND my daughter matters to me right now. Where is she? Where is my daughter Gregory? TELL ME!

Gregory – When you're discharged and out of the hospital, I will let you know Olivia and that is a promise.

Olivia – Your PROMISES don't mean a damn thing to me. In the past hurt you, but this is what my karma is in return right?

Gregory – I had to PROTECT our daughter and make sure she was safe but healthy at the same time. Guess it was better for me to let her die then right and not give you any hope!? Get off that high horse of yours Olivia!

Cole – Alright, alright, that's enough guys. Gregory, it's best that you leave right now, my WIFE doesn't need any more stress at this moment.

Gregory scoffed and chuckled.

Gregory – Fine, I will leave. Again, Olivia, I am sorry for keeping this from you, just know that I did what was best for all of us.

Gregory leaves the hospital room, but Olivia throws a bed pan at him. Luckily Gregory was out of the room to not get hit as Olivia starts crying with Cole and Trey comforting her.  



Jude still had Dan by the collar and shoved him into the wall with Ricardo who was trying to get Jude to let go of him.

Ricardo – I said let go Jude, come on! Knock it off!

Jude continued glaring at Dan who smirked at the man, but Jude then let's go of Dan and sighs before shaking his head.

Jude – You should be burning in hell for what you did to Annie.

Dan – Annie is fine Jude; shouldn't she be needing her husband at this moment? Kind of makes you a lousy husband don't you think?

Ricardo – Just sit down and shut up.

Dan puts his hands up before the man sat down.

Dan – Alright, alright, just calm down. While I am doing that get me a damn lawyer so I can get out of here, will ya?

Ricardo – We'll see about that. Let's go Jude, outside, NOW!

Jude reluctantly follows Ricardo outside the interrogation room and prepares himself for a lecture from his boss.

Ricardo – What the heck was that all about Jude? You don't even put your hands on a suspect like that, heck, you're too close to this as well. Understand?

Jude – I am sorry for doing that Ricardo, after everything that has just happened, especially to Annie, I lost it and snapped.

Ricardo – Listen, I get that Jude, but we need to be professional about this. I'll assign another detective to take care of this, like I just told you, you're too close to this.

Jude – That's fine Ricardo, do what needs to be done. Just promise me that son of a bitch is going to go down. If he somehow goes free-

Ricardo – He won't get out of here with a slap on the wrist, you have my word on that Jude.

Ricardo pats Jude on the shoulder as Jude leaves to go outside the station. Looking back at Dan who grinned and waved, Ricardo walks away without saying or doing anything.




Olivia was still processing the truth being revealed to her about Caitlin's status that she is alive. It never seizes to her amaze her though about how Gregory lied to her after all this time while Cole who is sitting next to her takes her hand and gives it a soft squeeze.

Cole – Hey, how are you?

Olivia – Huh? Were you saying something Cole?

Cole – Yes, I was asking how you were but that mind of yours is somewhere else.

Olivia – Caitlin, I mean, how is our daughter still alive after all this time and in a coma Cole? I can't believe this.

Cole – Neither can I Olivia, but Gregory shouldn't of kept this from us. We deserved to know the truth from the start, and nothing came out of his mouth this entire time.

Olivia – I don't even want to think or talk about that devil. He and I were together, married once, had a beautiful family then it all went straight to hell because of both of our actions. Now this?

Cole – It's a lot to take in Olivia but look on the bright side, at least Caitlin is still here on this Earth. She's alive.

Olivia – But for how long though Cole? Can we even take Gregory at his word? This could be another sick joke of his to break us apart.

Cole – It might but we're going to take this one step at a time Olivia and figure it all out. At the end of the day, I got your back Misses Deschanel. I love you so much.

Olivia – And I love you too Mister Deschanel. I am so lucky to have such a good loving husband like yourself.

Cole leans in and kisses Olivia with the two of them savoring the kiss. Outside the hospital with police still securing the entire area, Gregory was trying to get in contact with the man who has his daughter.

Gregory – Pick up damn it, come on.

After the line went dead, his cell phone alerted him of a text that said 'She G' but that was it. Gregory was alert but confused.

Gregory – What the hell?


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