Episode 27

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Peyton, with tear stains under her eyes, sat on the bench and shook her head. Why in the world would her own cousin try to date her? Why would Charlie even lie about it in the first place without being honest? Could it even continued to work out anyway? Shaking her head, Peyton wished she had clarity and the nerve of her parents to reveal that without warning her in the beginning. Why couldn't they just tell her privately and not out in the open where anyone in the school could be listening? What was Peyton going to do now?

Justin – "Peyton?"

Peyton, shaken from her thoughts, looks up at Justin and was surprised to see him but embarrassed at the same time as she wipes her eyes.

Peyton – "Hey Justin"

Justin – "What's wrong? Were you crying just now because of someone like Charlie?"

Peyton – "It's not, what makes you think that, Justin?"

Justin – "Try me"

Peyton – "I found out Charlie had a secret that he didn't tell me about in the first place"

Justin – "What is it?"

Peyton watches Justin as he sits down next to her.

Justin – "Peyton, I am not going to judge you. You can tell me anything"

Peyton knew Justin a long time since they were children and has trusted him the most even if he's kind of being a pest.

Peyton – "Charlie is...he's family to me"

Justin – "Family?"

Peyton – "He's my adopted cousin, my uncle Derek adopted him"

Justin's jaw dropped.

Justin – "Stop right there Peyton, he's your adopted cousin?"

Peyton – "Yes, it's true Justin"

Justin – "How though? How did you find out?"

Peyton – "My mom and dad, well mostly my dad told me in the university park of Sunset Beach University. Now everyone knows"

Justin – "I am so sorry Peyton that you're going through this. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Charlie – "How about you back off from her Justin!?"

Justin and Peyton were startled, suddenly seeing an angry Charlie standing there forming his fists into balls. The thought of Justin being near Peyton made him sick to his own stomach. He didn't like Justin and vice versa. For Justin, after finding out about Peyton and her relationship to Charlie, he was disgusted that someone like him would date his own cousin, legally adopted or not. Peyton shouldn't trust him anymore but who was Justin to force her?



Unknown Residence

Jude was sitting outside with Annie and comforting her after the encounter they just had with her deranged uncle in Dan, who's being arrested currently by the three cops that came with Jude earlier. Annie was still shaken up and couldn't believe not only did she had another uncle that Annie didn't know about, but at the same time he's the guy responsible to sending her those messages over the phone and following her just to bring her out here. Seeing Dan carter off and out of the house in cuffs, Annie runs up before smacking him upside the head.

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