Episode 29 (Season Finale)

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Torres Residence

Gabi was on the phone with her husband while keeping a good eye on Suzette who was in the kitchen making herself something to eat. After what both women went through with El Sanchez, they both never had to worry about a scumbag like him torturing anyone else. Ricardo had to go down to the hospital with Jude so they could talk with witnesses because of Olivia Richards shooting. Paulina had to take care of some things, which only left Gabi and Suzette by themselves even though Ricardo left a couple of officers at the house to watch and protect them just in case.

Gabi – I should be home in the next day or so honey...don't worry, everything will be fine. Suzette is here with me too, Ricardo had to take care of something else. I'll keep you posted though, love you too...bye.

Gabi ended the call and sat back while Suzette came into the room with two plates of food. Sitting down next to her mom she gives her the plate of food.

Suzette – Here you go mom.

Gabi – Thank you Suzy. Is this taco with salsa, chicken, and cheese?

Suzette – Of course mom, it's your favorite so I decided to make it while you were on the phone with your hubby. Sounds like he was very worried for you.

Gabi – Yes but at the same time relieved that everyone's safe including you, Suzy. When I told him about what my daughter did, he was stunned but not surprised.

Suzette – Can't say I blame him; he loves me like a daughter of his own even if he's not my real dad. How is he holding up?

Gabi – He was able to hold it together, but if nothing changed, the man would have called your father and demand answers. But all is well and were heading home tomorrow evening.

Suzette – Actually that is what I wanted to talk to you about mom.

Gabi arched her eyebrow and wondered what it was this time since Suzette stayed in Sunset Beach after coming here on her own, then went outside the country to help save her mom.

Gabi – Suzy, this better not be something that took place-

Suzette – Mom, it's nothing of that at all. How can I say this?

Suzette was worried about how her mom was going to react, but Gabi put her hand on her shoulder, reaffirming her support.

Gabi – It's okay honey, you can tell me anything.

Suzette – Alright then, here goes nothing, but I want to stay here in Sunset Beach's mom. It's nothing against you, but at the same time I would like to explore more around the town.

Gabi – How are you going to do that? Do you even have a plan?

Suzette – Actually, yes, I do mom and you're not going to believe it.

Starting to explain what she had in mind; Gabi was all ears but listened to her daughter talk of what she wanted to do in the town. Gabi at least appreciated Suzette not keeping anything from her, but at least her father would at least know when Ricardo came back from the hospital. The main reason why Suzette wanted to stay in town had to do with a certain someone she met not too long ago before leaving town to save her mother. Who would that be? A nice, handsome, lovely man who was on her mind at the same time...Trey Deschanel.




Ricardo and Jude arrived at the hospital coming from the prison not too long ago. With Olivia in a coma, her shooter was in custody awaiting to be questioned and then sent to prison but based on her mental condition she would most likely get sent to psych care ward. For Ricardo, after all he went through with getting Suzette back into the states after she went off on her own and rescuing her mom, the man should be at home. But it was his duty to make sure certain folks are held responsible, as he and Jude see Beth and AJ who notice them the moment the officers come in the hospital.

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