Episode 19 (May Sweeps/Part 3)

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Along with the guard Gregory made his way to the room where he was going to be questioned for his parole hearing. Media, people who knew Gregory where they liked the man or not, were here to see the man take the stand and prove his innocence so to speak but some people already made up their mind about the man. Gregory wasn't going to concern himself with his critics, only to show that he was ready to write the next chapter in his life. Olivia was behind him and the guard as Cole noticed before walking up to them and only focusing on his wife.

Cole – "Olivia where were you?!

Olivia – "I had to see Gregory"

Cole – *Groans* "Again?"

Olivia – "Just to talk with him and wish him good luck, that's all Cole"

Cole – "And how did you even do that? Olivia, don't tell me...."

Sean – "Yes Cole, she used her so called influence to get through. Right mother?"

Bette – "Olivia, what the heck were you thinking!?"

Olivia – "You know what, I don't need this right now from ANY of you. I am going to go in there and sit down. Maybe Cole, I should save a sit for yourself, or maybe do you prefer to be alone right now?"

Olivia, not happy with Cole right now, leaves the group and goes into the room with others as Cole couldn't believe it.

AJ – "Cole, I am so sorry you're going through this my boy"

Cole – "Don't be sorry dad, maybe she's still in love with Gregory overall"

Sean – "Don't even say that Cole, my mom may be a lot of things, but she wouldn't be unfaithful to you over my dad"

Bette – "Olivia is just upset right now Cole, let her cool down and then she'll get over it later"

Sean – "She's right Cole. We should all head inside, the parole hearing is about to start"

AJ – "Well.... here we go. Are you going to be alright Cole?"

Cole – "Yeah dad, just peachy"

Following Olivia to the room along with everyone else, they all sit down in the rows of seats. Gregory was already seated as his lawyer joins him when Sean sits down as the sounds of a gavel was heard with the parole board in attendee.

Parole Board Member – "Good evening, everyone and welcome to the parole board meeting"

Gregory nodded as one of the members started asking him questions before Gregory started answering them. Olivia, Cole, Sean, etc. watched Gregory. Out of them all, Olivia and Cole listened very carefully as both knew the man's fate was held in the hands of these people of the community. A lot was at stake between everyone here at Sunset Beach.



Ricardo and Paul were in the backseat of his rental car that was parked right outside of El Sanchez's Mansion. It was in an inclusive area away from the mansion so they wouldn't seen, thankfully the law enforcement they had in the country was already there guarding them. They all knew Gabi and Suzette were inside there, but it took them awhile to get the personnel they needed to go in there but also come up with a plan as Paula started to wake up.

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