Episode 20 (May Sweeps/Part 4)

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Shock Wave

With so much going on in her family right now, Meg hoped that going to her parent's restaurant would at least get her to hear some much-needed wisdom. That is if one of them was around since the two of them always made sure the Shock Wave was up to date, etc. Stepping inside after opening the door she saw not only her parents but also Vanessa as well at a table talking to each other before she walks up to them and clears her throat.

Meg – "Hey guys"

Vanessa – "Meg, we heard what happened with Peyton, Benji and Charlie. Justin told Michael and I when he came home last night"

Meg – "How is Justin?"

Vanessa – "He's fine but worried about Peyton still. Michael and I warned Justin not to get involved in Peyton's love life, but I don't think he heard me very well"

Joan – "Well boys will be boys; Justin obviously cares about Peyton like Charlie and doesn't want to see him get hurt"

Meg – "The last thing we want is for Benji or Justin to go to jail when it comes to Charlie. The fact that he's dating my daughter just doesn't feel right"

Hank – "The first day that punk came into our restaurant.... I just knew he was trouble"

Joan – "What did Charlie do?"

Meg – "From what Ben and Benji told me, none of its good mom. It goes all the way back to his past in boarding school when he was with Benji"

Hank – "Let me guess, he's a piece of garbage scum bag, correct?"

Meg – "Most likely.... yes daddy"

Joan – "But people can change, Charlie should be given a chance to show much he's improved from back then"

Vanessa – "Yes but Charlie's actions of the past could happen again if something goes wrong. Peyton, even Justin could get hurt"

Hank – "Where does Ben stand in all of this Meg"

Meg – "He's not a fan of the relationship at all, which is why he's been trying to get more information on Charlie from Michael and Casey"

Vanessa – "Don't tell me there's more damaging information out there on Charlie?"

Hank – "How bad is it, Meg?"

Meg – "I don't know dad, but something tells me we may have to do everything we can to get him out of our lives. Here's what you need to know so far about Charlie Morris"

Meg started explaining everything to the three of them and Hank, Joan and Vanessa were none too happy to know what else Charlie went through in boarding school. Vanessa was worried how far Justin could go to protect Peyton if Charlie somehow hurt her. Taking out her cell phone as Meg continued explaining them Charlie, and texted Michael, asking him when he was free since he's at work today down at the beach.



Sunset Beach University

Justin was on his way to his next class until he saw Peyton making her way into the university. He knew she probably wasn't in the mood to see him right now after what happened last night at the carnival. She was embarrassed, even if Justin and Benji had good intentions, this was her first date with a guy who cared about her so much. Seeing Justin up ahead, despite how she currently feels, kept her composure and still heads toward her class.

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