Episode 9

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El Sanchez's Mansion

In his office, Sanchez was on the phone with the best event planners in the entire country who can give him a historic wedding he'll never forget. Gabi in her right mind still wouldn't marry Sanchez but she didn't have any other choice no matter what she tries to do. Deep down he knows Gabi will marry him in the end unless she wants her daughter and family dead right in front of her. Hearing some commotion in his mansion, Sanchez ends the calls.

El Sanchez – "Call me later please, we'll have more to discuss"

Putting his cell phone away, Sanchez gets up from his desk and leaves the room. When he walks down the hallway, he sees his guards carrying Gabi straight to her room as Sanchez rolls his eyes.

El Sanchez – "What the hell is going on here!? Why are you carrying her like that!?"

Gabi – "Are you that dumb to not figure it out!? I was trying to escape out of this hell hole!"

El Sanchez – "You were? That wasn't smart at all Gabi"

Gabi – "Then go ahead Sanchez, kill me and rid me of the entire world! I deserve it!"

El Sanchez – "Throw her back in to the room. I'll follow since most of you can be clueless at times"

Watching them drag Gabi back to her room, Sanchez took out some handcuffs from his pockets as they approached her room. After throwing Gabi in the room, he gives it to one of the guards and points to where he wanted her handcuffed. The guard grabs her arm and Gabi is handcuffed near the bedpost.

Gabi – "What's this? You're handcuffing me Sanchez?"

El Sanchez – "What does it look like Gabi? You want to escape so bad this is your punishment"

Gabi – "I'll escape, it won't be long until I am out of this"

El Sanchez – "Do it again and you'll die, or we can get married. The offer is still on the table"

Gabi – "When hell freezes over"

El Sanchez – "Fight it all you want Gabi, but it's better that you do it now so that the bloodshed won't splatter all over everywhere"

Gabi – "Give me a break, there's many people out there in this country you can marry but, in the end, you still want me!?"

El Sanchez – "Because you're a very beautiful and gorgeous woman. I can make you the most powerful but richest person in the world.... it's all up to you"

Gabi – "Not a chance in hell! Screw you Sanchez!"

Sanchez and the guards leave her room, leaving a determined Gabi to figure out another plan of running away from here. There wasn't anything else Sanchez could do though to change her mind, as he went to his office and sat down at the desk before he thought of something to persuade Gabi. If she didn't want to marry him, maybe he could have one of his guys track the one person she loves so much in the entire world.... her daughter....and bring her here to the mansion.




On the phone with Antonio, Ricardo was at a loss of words hearing that Suzette wasn't home when his brother came by earlier. How could this have happened? Suzette promised Ricardo and Paula that she would stay in Sunset Beach until they came back with her mother Gabi. She didn't even have the nerve to call him and not tell Ricardo as well? He shook his head and closed his eyes, counting to ten slowly before he spoke so that he wouldn't explode in anger too much.

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