Sunset Beach (Season 1) Promo

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Announcer: Twenty-five years ago, Aaron Spelling brought Sunset Beach to audiences worldwide on their television screens. Now, the characters you love, and hate are back....

The promo starts showing Olivia in a robe reading the newspaper before Cole comes down wearing his boxers and wraps his arms around her.

Olivia – "Good morning darling"

Cole – "Good morning Olivia, my lovely beautiful wife"

The two of them have wedding rings on both the fingers of their hands. The promo next shows, Gregory in his prison cell taking out an old picture of him and Olivia together.

Gregory – "When l get out of this hell hole Olivia, you will be mine again...and that's a promise"

Prison Guard – "Richards, you have a visitor, your son wants to see you. Good may be getting paroled soon"

Gregory looks shocked before he starts to slowly smile a bit from hearing what the prison guard just told him now. 

Gregory - "This may be my one and only chance then"

Announcer: And the new generation of Sunset Beach arrives just in time to turn the drama up just a little bit more....

A young man stands outside of a home after ringing the doorbell and waits. As the door opens, Ben's jaw drops seeing the young man and smiles before hugging him.

Ben – "Benji.... you're home! You're back!"

Announcer: Sunset Beach returns on Wattpad in January of 2022, don't miss it!

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