Episode 3

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The Bourne Residence

Justin shows up at his parent's home as he makes his way to the door. Taking out the keys, Justin opens it and comes inside hearing the television in the background.

Michael – Vanessa! Thank god you're home! Did you hear what happened to Olivia!? It's heartbreaking and sad!

Justin – Dad! It's me!

Justin came in, closed the door behind him and made his way to the living room before he saw his dad.

Justin – Hey dad.

Michael – Hey kiddo.

Justin smiled as he got up as Justin and Michael hug.

Michael – I am so glad your home son, are you staying here for the night?

Justin – Yes, I am dad, actually I need to get away from the dorms for the time being so this will be an extended visit.

Michael arched his eyebrow in confusion but realized what was going on.

Michael – What happened Justin? Talk to me son, this is your dad you're talking to here.

Justin – It's Peyton and Charlie.

Michael – Oh really? What about them?

Justin – I am not sure you heard or that Peyton's dad reached out to you, but Charlie is-

Michael – Her adoptive cousin, yeah, I already know. Casey told me about it.

Justin – Honestly, I just feel so bad for Peyton dad, she doesn't deserve to have Charlie. All he'll do is hurt her in the end.

Michael – That's understandable but the kid hasn't done anything bad yet.

Justin – Yet that's the key word of it all.

Michael – Just don't do anything that dumb against Charlie, we don't know what we're dealing with yet. Understand?

Justin – Of course dad, what about Peyton? What about her safety?



Shock Wave

Peyton was cleaning up some tables in the restaurant and tried her best to get over Charlie. Hank then comes into the restaurant with bags in his hand.

Hank – Hey Peyton.

Peyton smiled at her grandfather.

Peyton – Hey grandpa, just got back from the store?

Hank – Oh yeah, we'll need to keep up the stock for the restaurant. Do you mind helping me out with it in the back?

Peyton – Sure grandpa, I got the rest of them.

Hank chuckled as he followed Peyton into the kitchen. Peyton opens the refrigerator and takes out what Hank got from the stove.

Hank – So how's everything?

Peyton – Everything's fine grandpa, you know, just dealing with school and all.

Hank – And you and Charlie? How are you two holding up?

Peyton froze a little bit in shock and didn't know how to answer.

Peyton – Oh, the two of us are doing well grandpa. We've been busy with other things like college for example, but we do make time for each other.

Hank – Awww, isn't that cute? I know how much it means to be in love with someone else, your grandmother and I have been a pure example of it ever since we met.

Peyton – Me and Charlie aren't at that stage yet though grandpa.

Hank – Not now but soon, anything can happen. Love and trust are two big things that stand out for a couple. Always remember that honey, I will be in my office if you need me.

Peyton – Sure thing grandpa and thanks for the advice.

Hank leaves the kitchen and goes to his office leaving Peyton in the kitchen alone.

Peyton – If only I had someone who I could trust in the end, just not Charlie. Gosh, why does love must be so darn hard?

Peyton sighed and frowned before she finished his putting everything in the fridge then left but couldn't stop thinking about Charlie.



Sunset Beach Police Department

Ricardo and Jude arrived at the police station after leaving the hospital not too long ago when they questioned witnesses at Gregory Richards hearing.

Ricardo – It's good to see the station still in one piece when I left. Thanks for looking out, Jude, I mean that.

Jude – No problem, man, it wasn't easy especially when Annie was missing. I just hope we can put both the nut who kidnapped my wife and the woman who shot Olivia away for good.

Cop – Chief, Lieutenant Cavanaugh?

Ricardo – At ease, what's the update on both of our suspects?

Cop – The man who kidnapped your wife in Dan is in the one interrogation room while the woman who shot Olivia is in the other one.

Ricardo – Do we know the identity of the female?

Cop – Her name is Erica Vargas.

Jude – Erica Vargas?

Ricardo – That last name is familiar but the only thing to find out is interrogate her. Want to come with me?

Jude – Sure, then we can question the SOB that kidnapped Annie. He needs to pay for what he did Ricardo.

Ricardo – And he will Jude, both are going to pay. Come on.

The two officers' motion the cop to take them to interrogation room number one. When they arrive, they see the woman looking down on the floor.

Ricardo – Miss Vargas?

The woman (Cybil Sheridan) looks up with a crazed smile on her face.

Erica – Well, look who the cat dragged in. Hello gentlemen.

Ricardo – Ma'am, are you aware of what just happened?

Erica – Yes...yes I am.

Jude – What's your name?

Erica – My name is Erica Vargas, the aunt of Miss Francesca Vargas who was killed by that SOB in Gregory Richards. And I want him to pay for killing my niece.


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