Episode 25

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With El Sanchez arrested and soon to be thrown in jail, Gabi leans down and kisses Suzette on the forehead as she watches her sleep in one of the rooms on the jet. Since they were on their way back to Sunset Beach, there was a lot for them to go over but after what happened everyone needed rest for the time being. Closing the door behind her when leaving the room, Gabi could see Ricardo and Paula talking as she walked up to them before clearing her throat.

Gabi – "Ahem"

Ricardo – "Gabi.... how is Suzette? Is she- "

Gabi – "She's fine and still sleeping last time I checked"

Paula – "Well that's good to hear, especially after what our daughter been through lately"

Gabi – "How the heck did Suzette even know I was there Ricardo? She should NOT have been where I was in the first place!"

Ricardo – "And I agree with you, I have no clue how it happened"

Paula – "Wait"

Ricardo – "What's wrong Paula?"

Paula – "She must have overheard us the day we left Sunset Beach to look for Gabi"

Ricardo sighs and shakes his head.

Ricardo – "You're right Paula, I should of seen it coming of her leaving town when I told her to stay here until we returned with you as well Gabi. I'm sorry"

Gabi – "You didn't know that she would do something like that Ricardo, none of us did. But a part of me should have seen this coming, Suzette has that stubborn streak of her parents"

Ricardo chuckled a bit

Ricardo – "That's true"

Paula – "When Suzette wakes up, I know the two of you will speak with her. But Gabi, I am so glad you're alive and doing well"

Gabi – "So am I Paula, thanks for saving me. Well, both of you and Suzette, I don't know what would happen if you guys weren't there when I almost had no choice to marry that scumbag"

Paula – "Don't even mention him, Sanchez is going away for prison for the rest of his life along with his entire drug operation"

Gabi – "Thank you.... just thank you for everything"

Gabi hugged Paulina as the two of them hugged each other while Ricardo watched, surprised but happy they're getting along.




After the past couple hours, Jude arrived at the house and looked both sides before getting out. Making sure he had his gun with him, which is in the holster, Jude walked slowly to the house. Thankfully two other officers were with Jude as well as he wasn't going at this one alone. Motioning for where the two officers need to go, both nodded before going around the house. Walking up to the door of the home, Jude kicked it down and came inside with his guy pointing at anything he saw.

Jude – "Where are you, Annie?"

Jude searches around the house and starts looking into one of the rooms. Passing by one room, Jude walks in and notices a couple papers on the bed stand.

Jude – "What the hell is this?"

Jude walks up to the bed stand and picks up a couple of papers, seeing the name next to the owner of the house as he tries to read it.

Jude – "Dan Douglas? Who the heck is Dan Douglas?"

Jude started reading more of the papers that included more information on the house and come to the realization.

Jude – "Wait, is this guy related to Annie? Dan Douglas.... Del Douglas?

Jude sighed and shook his head.

Jude – "I don't have any time for thinking or speculating, I need to find Annie"

Putting the papers down, Jude leaves and checks other rooms but no sight of Annie. As he goes downstairs, he notices another room across form him which was closed.

Jude – "This maybe it"

Jude slowly walks up to the door and opens it carefully but quietly not to make a sound. Going downstairs, Jude had the gun in his hand and looked both sides before making the last step. Turning around Jude saw Annie tied up as he sighed in relief.

Jude – "Thank god you're alive"

Annie – "Jude don't!"

Jude – "Don't what?"

Annie – "Don't come near me"

Jude – "Why?"

Dan – "Because of me son"

Jude saw Dan walk over to where Annie was and pointed a gun to her head and grinned at Jude.




Now that the break was done and over, everyone returned to the room where the parole hearing is taking place. After others made their way back into the room and taking their sears, they were just waiting for what the parole board members have to say as a result of Gregory Richards fate as he was talking to Sean while Olivia and others watched, waiting to see what would happen when it comes to Gregory.

Sean – "Well, this is it dad? How do you feel?"

Gregory – "For the first time every in my life.... I feel nervous of what's going to happen"

Sean – "That's a first actually.... you're even sweating right now"

Gregory – "Can you blame me? The suspense is killing me San"

Sean – "Like I told you before, this could go anyway dad all we have to right now is just wait for the decision"

Gregory nodded and briefly looked at Olivia who caught the look from him before one of the parole board members spoke.

Parole board member 1– "After brief consideration and conversations we've come to a decision based on Mister Richards parole hearing. From the questioning and your answers, from what we can see you've shown enough remorse to the victims and the people you've hurt last time. With that we've decided to parole you as your time in prison will be coming to an end. Starting tomorrow you will be a free man"

The people in the court room gasped and were in shock of what they were hearing right now. Gregory was shocked but happy as the man grinned while Cole wasn't pleased, Olivia was stunned as well but deep down felt happy.

Bette – "Well it's official.... Gregory is a free man Liv.... Liv?"

Olivia – "It's finally happening"

Parole board member 1– "Starting tomorrow you will be a free man mister Richards. This meeting has been adjourned, thank you- "

Woman – "Not so fast!"

Suddenly a woman jumped up from where she was sitting and pulled out a gun aimed at Gregory as Olivia screamed.

Olivia – "Gregory NO!"

Olivia got up and ran toward Gregory who saw the gun pointed at him. Before he could react, Olivia got in the way and pushed her ex-husband to the side before she felt the bullet hit her in the stomach. Falling into the man's arms, people in the room took for cover while guards tackled the woman down who was screaming and yelling at Gregory while the man himself held Olivia in her arms. He saw her bleed through her stomach and started panicking.

Gregory – "Oh my god, Olivia? OLIVIA!? NO!"


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