Episode 4

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SBPD - Interrogation Room

Jude and Ricardo were surprised to hear the name is this woman, but who she was also connected to when it came to the late Francesca Vargas who was killed off by Gregory Richards.

Jude – I am sorry, did you say you're Francesca's aunt?

Erica – Yes, I did Lieutenant Karavaughn. Did I stutter?

Ricardo – Why are you here in Sunset Beach? Were you planning on killing Gregory Richards?

Erica – Absolutely and for good reason. He doesn't need to be out from parole, all the man will do is hurt more people, he KILLED Francesca.

Jude – So that gives you a right to take a life like Olivia, his ex-wife?

Erica – It was NEVER my intention of going after her, she became Gregory's fool once again from taking the bullet from him. The bitch never learns.

Ricardo – Well for your information, Miss Deschanel is fighting for her life out there and if she dies it's on you. You're going to have to pay for this ma'am.

Erica – Really? We'll see about that.

Ricardo and Erica continued arguing while Dan was on the mind of Jude who needed to be questioned. The man sneaked out of the room while the argument between the two people in this room continued.



The Bourne Residence

Michael could see Justin cared about Peyton as the two men sat down on the couch. It's good that they were having this conversation now when it comes to someone that mattered to Michael's son.

Michael – Peyton will be okay in the end Justin, but she has her family and most of all she has you.

Justin – You're right, she has me as well too.

Michael – That's exactly what I said Justin.

Justin – Oh, sorry dad. My bad.

Michael chuckles a bit.

Michael – Let me guess, you got feelings for her and don't BS me alright?

Justin – Dad, were just friends. We've been friends since we were kids, you know that.

Michael – Of course, but sometimes those feelings as friends are more than just friends Justin. You like her, just admit it.

Justin was about to say something until Vanessa entered the home seeing Michael and Justin together in the room.

Vanessa – There's my two favorite boys. What are you doing here Justin? And you don't call me? Come here my big boy.

Justin gets up and hugs Vanessa who was so glad to see her son with Michael watching, slyly grinning at the young man for how he feels about Peyton.



SBPD - Interrogation Room 2

Making his way to the other interrogation room, Jude took a deep breath and opened the door. Coming in, he saw Dan (James Reade) who smirked at Jude and the man was in no mood to play around.

Dan – There's my nephew in law, where the hell have you-

Jude – Shut up Dan.

Jude closes the door behind him and narrows his eyes to him.

Dan – Ah, someone is getting very spicy right off the bat. Is that how we're going to get to know each other? We are family remember?

Jude – Don't you ever bring that up again? You hear me? After what you did to my wife, the mother of our son, she's your niece.

Dan – And?

Jude – You kidnapped her!

Dan – She DESERVED it! After all those years of what she's done, Annie isn't a saint, which I am sure you know. She's a dumpster fire trash of a woman that deserves to be erased off the planet.

Jude – Take it back.

Dan – No.

Jude – I said...

Jude steps up to Dan and stares her down.

Jude – Take.it.back. NOW!

Dan – Bite me.

Jude grabs Dan and shoves him against the wall, not even letting go. Ricardo comes into the room and tries to separate the two while Dan grinned.

Ricardo – Let go of him Jude, I said LET GO! That's an ORDER!


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