Episode 5 - (February Sweeps/Part 2)

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The Torres Residence

After taking a shower, Suzette was in the kitchen making breakfast for herself since her dad was at the Sunset Beach Police Department. For the time being until her mother was rescued and brought back safely, Suzette was staying with Ricardo but at the same time was still worried for her mother. Hearing a knock on the door, Suzette made a bee line toward it thinking it was Gabi. As she did, opening the door it was her Antonio Torres, her uncle who smiled seeing her niece.

Suzette – *Frowns a bit* "Hey Uncle Tony"

Antonio – *Smiles* "Suzie, it's good to see you, but I take it you were expecting someone else?"

Suzette – "It's okay, I thought it was going to be my mom actually, though i'm glad to see you. Let me guess, dad told you right?"

Antonio – "This morning he did over the phone when your father was on his way to work. Have you heard any latest updates?"

Antonio and Suzette hugged before she let him come inside, closing the door behind her. She leads him to the main living room before they sat down on the couch.

Suzette – "No, new updates from dad who's looking into this as well. Dad's doing his best, it's just starting to feel bleak, and l wish I could do more you know?"

Antonio – "Well if you makes you feel any better, from knowing your mother, she is very strong and resilient despite what others think about her"

Suzette – "Isn't that the truth. She could be very feisty when someone pushed her around too much. I know mom's not perfect because of the history she had with you and dad, but mom always loved me unconditionally"

Antonio – "She did, the moment you were born into this world, your mother called you a miracle and a blessing from above Suzette"

Suzette – "Funny, it would be a real blessing in disguise if mom turns up in Sunset Beach alive somehow. Ever since we found out, I prayed to the skies above last night to make sure my mother comes back in unharmed"

Antonio – "Suzette, if you like, maybe we can say a prayer for your mother? It may not mean anything but if there's something i've learned in my time of praising the lord...he always comes through for us in the end"

Suzette nodded before Antonio took her hand and cleared his throat. Closing their eyes, both lowered their heads before the priest spoke.

Antonio – "Dear lord, we ask that you give Suzette's mother Gabi Martinez Wolper, peace, love and strength during this hard time. Do what you can the protect her and give her guidance through this difficult period. In your name we pray, amen"

Suzette – "Amen"

She hugs her uncle with fear in her eye's, something Antonio didn't see. Better yet a mixed feeling of fear but hopeful her mother makes it out of the situation okay. She was grateful to have her dad, but it was Gabi who brought Suzette into the world. Gabi showed her daughter so much love and joy growing up, Suzette couldn't imagine a world without her.



Sunset Beach Police Department

Ricardo was on the phone with someone who he was close with in the department back then, this time possible giving him more information on Gabi. This person works now in the CIA where they had resources on everything from intelligence worldwide which was needed for the situation. Just as Ricardo was about done with his call, he heard a knock on the door.

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