Episode 15

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The Kavanaugh Residence

Annie was in the kitchen making dinner for herself, Jude and their son Aaron. With everything going on in Sunset Beach and not just the drama with Gregory, she was trying to focus on her family besides the other issue she had with this stalker that's coming after her family. Annie just hopes that they could have a normal dinner together and catch up on everything. Hearing the door open, Annie heard she stopped dead in her tracks before she spoke.

Annie – "Who's there!?"

Jude – "Who else do you think!? Your husband and your son, who's staying with us for the night too by the way"

Aaron – "Mom!? Were home!"

Annie – "Aaron!"

Annie ran out of the kitchen before she saw her husband and son near the doors. Relieved, she started, hugging her son out of the two first, then hugged Aaron. She was so glad her son was here, but also safe and sound at the same time.

Annie – *Smiles* "There's my sweet boy, have you been growing a lot lately since the day you left this house?"

Aaron – *Chuckles* "I've been growing since I was a kid mom, but it is good to see you. How's everything and don't say it's fine please?"

Annie – "Your father told you about the stalker? *Glares at her husband& Jude!"

Judge – "What!? Aaron has a right to know Annie, did you really think he would be let out of this from the start?"

Aaron – "Mom, it's okay, dad was right for telling me, but I am going to do whatever it takes to protect myself"

Annie – "Aaron, I just don't want you to get hurt or do something stupid to jeopardize your life. I mean think of the bright future you have going right now"

Aaron – "I'll be okay mom, trust me, if that stalker or whoever it is approaches me by attacking, then I will defend myself but also call the police"

Jude – "Thanks to your dad over here that taught you martial arts since you were a kid in diapers"

Aaron – "Bottom line is mom; your son is going to be okay. Now, what's for dinner?"

Jude – "Yes, now can we eat Annie? I'm starving and so is your son honey"

Annie giggled a bit before she watched her husband and son go the kitchen as she was about to follow them. That was until Annie saw a small piece of paper on the ground that fell from Jude's pocket before picking it up. Annie read what seems to be the address of someone who lives outside of Sunset Beach. Maybe this was where her stalker was and maybe Annie can confront him or her face to face. So in the end, Annie decided puts the address in her pocket and keeps it to herself before heading to the kitchen for the family to have dinner together.



Sunset Beach University

Sitting near one of the cafes and almost finishing his homework while eating, Justin was trying to focus on the last question. But his thoughts were about Peyton and what she's up to right now. He's been giving her some space since the last time they talked, but of course, Peyton was all wrapped up into Charlie. So, there was no way of telling how Peyton could not see the potential bad in that guy who's up to no good.

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