Episode 10

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Sunset Beach

Annie was walking around town with a few bags in her hands since she was running errands today. At the same time Jude made sure he hired a bodyguard to follow Annie but not making it too obvious which was failing honestly. She understood why the guy was here, but Annie wasn't that weak, she can defend herself against whoever called her a couple of weeks ago. Olivia, who was running errands as well saw the man who was following Annie as Olivia immediately walked up to her.

Olivia – "Annie, why is that man following you?"

Annie – "Huh? Oh, well he's protection for me if the bad guys ever come out at night. But seriously...he's my bodyguard"

Olivia – "Bodyguard for what?"

Annie – "Recently i've been getting calls from some wacko which Jude's looking into. In the meantime, he hired that guy over there to watch me"

Olivia – "I am so sorry to hear about that Annie, maybe it's best for the time being. Knowing Jude for a long time, he'll get the job done and find out what's going on"

Annie – "Hopefully...I have faith in Jude, don't get me wrong, but something doesn't feel right about this. Anyway, i've heard Gregory is going to be awarded a get out of jail free card soon. How's that coming along?"

Olivia – "Gregory feels very confident about being parole, even on the day I visited him in the medical war after he was stabbed, the man was still full of himself"

Annie - *Smirks* "Poor Gregory, wonder whose cup of tea he took a dump in lately"

Olivia – "I wonder the same thing too. Despite all that's happened between Gregory and I, he's still Sean and Caitlin's father, were always going to have a bond that's unbreakable"

Annie – "A bond greater than between two parents.... like love?"

Olivia – "I don't love him anymore Annie, that all faded away after he killed people and became a different man I couldn't recognized anymore"

Annie – "Olivia, you can say that now. But when he gets out and tries to win back your heart, what are you going to do? The life that Olivia Richards built after Gregory is much better than going back into the past"

Olivia – "I am not that same woman I once was Annie. A lot has changed, and it took time for me to fully move on. That's why now I am with Cole, so i'm happy"

Annie – "Hopefully you don't melt into a puddle if or when Gregory breaks out and surprises you at home. Anyway, I have other things to take care of Olivia.... remember what we talked about"

Annie whistles causing the man to stop looking around before she started to walk away from Olivia as he follows her again. Olivia chuckled a bit and went on her own way but thought of the conversation they just had. Annie was right about Gregory, heck, if you ask anyone else about him, they would be right about the man too. A part of her wondered what Gregory would present to Olivia if he was paroled, would he change or be the same man? That remains to be seen....



Shock Wave

Benji sat next to the counter and was eating his lunch while hearing Peyton on the phone talking to this guy, fawning over someone he never heard of before. Benji was adjusting to his life in Sunset Beach all over again, this time going to college, working at the Java Webb, etc. and he didn't get the chance to catch up with one of his siblings in Peyton until now. Hearing her end the call, Peyton puts the phone away as Benji cleared his throat.

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