Episode 14

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Olivia sat in one of the pews and in deep thought of the argument she just had with Cole a few moments ago over Gregory. She couldn't be in the mansion right now, so she had to go somewhere to have a clear mind. So, Olivia came to one place she hasn't been at for a very long time, church. While Olivia was reflecting on what happened between herself and Cole, the doors opened. Antonio came in surprised to see Olivia at the pews for the first time ever.

Antonio – "Olivia?"

Olivia – "Oh, Antonio, I didn't expect to see you, but I remember that you're a priest doing the lords work"

Antonio – *Smiles* "That's true, but you don't come here that often anyway. Hopefully all is well lately"

Olivia – "Kind of.... I just wish things would go back to normal. Trey's back home and everything should be fine, but no, it's not unfortunately"

Antonio - *Sits down with Olivia* "Does it have to do with a certain someone possibly returning to Sunset Beach?"

Olivia – "He may or may not, but it has to do with Gregory. My ex-husband may get paroled and I.... kind of had something to do with that lately"

Antonio – "I rather not know the details of whatever happened, it seems to be bothering you a lot"

Olivia – "It wasn't that much but Cole is not happy, and Trey won't going to be happy eventually. This was for Gregory so he can have a fair hearing and possibly not stay in prison that long"

Antonio – "That's understandable, you were trying to do the right thing. But there's bad blood between Cole and Gregory, so, hopefully doesn't get out of control"

Olivia – "These are two men who have big, huge ego's Antonio, if Gregory gets out, all hell is going to be break loose between them"

Antonio – "The only thing you can do is the right thing and try to support both including your family Olivia, just make sure to stand your ground and be strong"

Olivia – "Thank you Antonio, i'll make sure to remember that. How's your entire family these days?"

Antonio – "To make it short, someone in our family is in danger so Hank is taking care of that as we speak. Priscilla returned to town briefly with the same issue as well, both have left the town to take care of the issue"

Olivia - "Oh, well hopefully whatever it is will be handled. Your brother's one of the best cops we have in Sunset Beach. But I must get going before Cole and Trey return home, tell your brother and Priscilla I said hello"

Antonio smiled and nodded as he saw Olivia get up and left the church before sighing in relief. Olivia did not need to know all the details which is good, but he felt bad for what she's about to go through. Antonio never wished death on anyone but if it happened to a man like Gregory Richards, Antonio won't not shed any tears or be gleeful. He would pity him and feel bad that Gregory can't be able to change, which he can but the man had to prove himself to others if he was released. 




Hank and Priscilla, after arriving to the city once the plane landed, checked into their hotel rooms. Not wasting any time, both arrived at a restaurant before one of Priscilla's contacts told her about the sighting of Suzette near a restaurant as the man gave her the information over the phone. Both immediately arrived and came inside before they started to look around. Hank didn't see her at first, but he didn't see his daughter.

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