Episode 7 - (February Sweeps/Part 4)

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Charlie followed Peyton throughout the entire town, allowing her to show him around. As much as the man was liking Sunset Beach, he couldn't stop staring at Peyton when she explained to Charlie the many places that makes Sunset Beach in their minds, the best place in the entire world. Once they reached the beach, both sat down on the bench together.

Peyton – "And that's about it for Sunset Beach. Did you like the tour?"

Charlie – "Yes I did Peyton, you're a great tour guidance by the way. You do great communicate with people in case you didn't know"

Peyton – "Working at my grandparents restaurant taught me a lot of how to treat customers and people in general respectfully"

Charlie – "Well now I know where you get that from. You're a very nice lady Peyton, a guy like me appreciates what you did today. Whenever I get stuck or need help going somewhere, you're the first person i'll make sure to call"

Peyton - *Giggles* "I'm glad to hear that Charlie, guess the two of us will seeing each other more after this, correct?"

Charlie – "Yes we will, but why ask me? You don't think I won't see you anymore after today? Of course, you will Peyton"

Peyton – "Can't believe I am about to say this but.... I like you Charlie...not just like you but...really REALLY like you...A LOT"

Charlie – *Smiles* "Well guess what? I like you A LOT as well Peyton"

Looking at each other in the eyes, the connection between them both was drawn to the point where they start to lean in. Once the two were close enough, both started to kiss and brushed their lips onto each other. Testing the waters, Peyton pulled Charlie closer as their kiss started to get stronger. Charlie's hands were on her hips as both relished the first kiss they're having together right now. It ended slowly between Peyton and Charlie as both caressed each other's faces, sighing together.

Charlie – "Wow that was...."

Peyton – "Electric..."

Charlie – *Chuckles* "You can say that again Peyton, damn you're a good kisser. I wish it wouldn't end like this"

Peyton - *Looks at her watch and then at Charlie with a grin on her face* "I got a couple of more minutes for my 'break' so.... back to where we were before"

Peyton and Charlie kiss again as this time, taking him by surprise, Peyton moves around Charlie. Straddling around his waist for better position, Peyton wraps her arms around as their kiss continued. She knew she had to go back to Shock Wave to finish her shift, but Peyton wasn't done with Charlie yet though. Justin, who left a local sandwich shop to get lunch for himself and his mom Vanessa, caught Peyton and Charlie kissing. Shaking his head, Justin walked the other way around back to his mother's studio, obviously not happy of what he just saw.



The Torres Residence

Ricardo and Paula arrived at Ricardo's home from the police station earlier. They had all the information they need to move forward of rescuing Gabi. But of course, they had to speak with Suzette since she has a right to know what's going on. But what the three of them had to speak about was very important since what happens next will not be easy as Ricardo opened the door.

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