Episode 16

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After they got off one of the rides, Peyton and Charlie laughed and holding hands together. Their first date already got off to a hot start when they decided to go to the carnival together. For Peyton, she may have just found her knight in shining armor after all. Charlie was having a blast as he felt so happy for the first time in his entire life with Peyton for their date. As the two of them approached the food section and got in line, Peyton laid her head on Charlies.

Peyton – "What a date this has turned out to be so far, wouldn't you agree Charlie?"

Charlie – "Yes, it's been one heck of a date and I don't want this to end, not yet at the very least"

Peyton – *Grins* "Good, because I am done not with you Mister Morris, not by a long shot"

Charlie – "I don't doubt that one bit, it's also good that no one else is here to disrupt our date"

Peyton – "Hey Charlie, you don't mind me asking you something right?"

Charlie – "Sure, what's up?"

Peyton – "Did you know my brother Benji in the past?"

Charlie – "Um, yeah, we used to go to boarding school actually back in the day as they say"

Peyton – "When my brother found out, he was really upset and warned me to stay away from you Charlie"

Charlie – *Scoffs* "Oh? So, your brother got pretty mad huh?"

Peyton – "Yes, he's my brother, he wants me far away from you as possible unfortunately"

Charlie - *Rolls eyes* "Well he can't tell you want to do Peyton. Were together now and no one can tell us otherwise"

Peyton – "But, do you exactly know what he's talking about? Charlie, you know you can tell me anything right?"

Benjj – "Yeah Charlie, tell my sister everything you ever did jerk"

Peyton and Charlie turn around seeing Benji with Justin. Peyton frowned while Charlie's face tightened to the point where he wasn't pleased to see either one of them.

Benji – "So what do we have here? My sister and Charlie on a date together?"

Peyton – "What do you want Benji? And don't tell me Justin you're here to ruin our date?"

Justin – "You are making a mistake Peyton dating this chump"

Charlie – "Really bird brain? I'm a chump? How so?"

Charlie shouldn't be surprised that Justin and Benji were in on this together to show Peyton how much of a scumbag he is. Peyton didn't understand why her brother and her friend didn't want to see her happy or why they didn't like Charlie with her. Charlie never even answer her question that she wanted to know but for Charlie right now, he saw nothing more but red right now covering his eyes. These two were crossing a line that they couldn't come back from as of right now.



The Deschanel-Richards Residence

Olivia, after parking her car, got out and took a deep breath before she made her way into the house. She expected to see her husband and son inside though she wouldn't be surprised if Cole wasn't home yet. He probably didn't want to see the sight of her since Cole felt disgusted in Olivia for trying to get Gregory a free card out of jail even though it wasn't anything like that. Closing the door behind her, Olivia saw Cole standing near the windows with a glass of scotch in his hand.

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