Episode 12

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Prison - Visiting Room

Better, after her and AJ were no longer arrested or even charged due to their latest incident at the park, walks inside the prison to see Gregory. Bette knew the man for a long time and knew the hold Gregory had on Olivia, which was still there at times, even after Gregory was in prison. Bette, as a friend for Olivia, was looking out for her best interests like Cole is but where does Gregory really lie when it comes to his ex-wife? Better walks into the room and see's Gregory herself while AJ was in the car waiting for her to come out.

Bette – "Well as long as I live and breathe...Gregory Richards"

Gregory – "Bette, what brings you by to see me? I know you don't care about me that much"

Bette – "True, actually I have never cared since the day you went to prison for killing innocent people in Sunset Beach"

Gregory – *Rolls eyes* "And here we go..."

Better – "What? Bored already Bette?"

Gregory – "Just get on with it...."

Better – "What are your intentions of getting out of prison if you are paroled?"

Gregory – "To live a better life and make better decisions for my children including my grandchildren, Bette. What else?"

Better – "Oh no you don't, what about Olivia?"

Gregory – "I still love Olivia...."

Bette – "I knew it, I knew you still loved her after all this time"

Gregory – "Then why does it bother you still?"

Bette – "Look, I am going to make it short and sweet. Stay the hell away from Olivia, why would you want to ruin something that she has which is so good and better than before?"

Gregory – "You know what Bette? Stay out of MY business and don't even try to get in my way as well or you will regret it. Were done here"

Bette – "We are NOT done!"

Sean - *Comes in* "Dad, we need to talk!"

Gregory – "Now what Sean?"

Sean – "Well.... unfortunately, your parole hearing is being moved...you can thank mom for that"

Gregory – "Thanks to your mother?"

Gregory was shocked to hear of his parole being moved but thanks to Olivia. How was that possible? Olivia couldn't have done anything to make that happen, could she? Olivia is someone, unlike Gregory, that doesn't have a power trip or a thirst for vengeance like he does. Maybe the charm, the determination, etc. was already getting to Olivia causing Gregory to smile. So Olivia was starting to come to her senses after all since she came to him the day Gregory was stabbed huh?




Better, after her and AJ were no longer arrested or even charged due to their latest incident at the park, walks inside the prison to see Gregory. Bette knew the man for a long time and knew the hold Gregory had on Olivia, which was still there at times, even after Gregory was in prison. Bette, as a friend for Olivia, was looking out for her best interests like Cole is but where does Gregory really lie when it comes to his ex-wife? Better walks into the room and see's Gregory herself while AJ was in the car waiting for her to come out.

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