Episode 24

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Sunset Beach University

Peyton and Charlie both met up after class ended for the two of them. They thought of each other during class and held hands together while walking through the garden of the campus. Everything right now between them was peaceful and no one can destroy the vibe they have together. Charlie stopped before he looked into Peyton's eyes and started to kiss her as he savored this moment with Peyton before the kiss broke.

Peyton – *Smiles* "Someone is in a loving mood today"

Charlie – "I'm glad to be away from everything else briefly for the rest of the day"

Peyton – "Don't tell me the rest of THAT stuff was on your mind today?"

Charlie – "No, you were the only thing my mind actually"

Peyton – "Was I the only one?"

Charlie – "Well...there were a couple of other things besides you"

Peyton – "Such as?"

Charlie – "Since everything is out in the open, you know your dad is going to hunt me down Peyton"

Peyton – *Rolls eyes* "My dad can't do a damn thing to his grown-up girl Charlie. I'm an adult and I know what I want but who I want and it's you"

Charlie – "That means the world to me Peyton, I just-"

Ben – "Are you sure about that Peyton?"

Charlie and Peyton see Ben and Meg behind them in the park as Ben had his arms crossed while Meg was concerned of how this was going to turn out.

Peyton – "Mom, dad, what are you doing here?"

Ben – "To tell you the truth about your fraud boyfriend sweetheart"

Peyton – "AGAIN daddy?!"

Charlie – "Mister Evans, I know why you despise me. You may think I am not good enough for your daughter-"

Ben – "Well you at least got one thing right, you're not good enough for my daughter.... never EVER! Not after my daughter hears this from her father"

Peyton – "What is he talking about mom?"

Meg – "It's best if you hear it from your father"

Ben – "Your legal cousin...."

Peyton – "My WHAT!?"

Ben – "He's my adopted nephew, the adopted son of DEREK EVANS, the man was your uncle Peyton.... isn't that right Charlie?"




Cole was already felt tense since Gregory now approached Olivia and himself right now. There was nothing the man could do to stop his own wife from talking to Gregory since they were still taking a break from the parole hearing. Gregory of course wasn't there to fight anyone or get into arguments at the time being. All he wanted to do was just talk to Olivia without anything breaking out since the former lawyer doesn't want to mess up his chances of leaving here a friend man.

Gregory – "If I interrupted anything between you two then-"

Cole – "No, I was just about to head back inside....see you later Olivia"

Olivia – "I'll be alright luv, I will see you there in a bit"

Cole nodded before he left and went back inside leaving Gregory and Olivia by themselves as there was some awkwardness.

Olivia – "So, you've done well so far Gregory"

Gregory – "Thank you, I am surprised to see you holding it together yourself"

Olivia – "What do you mean?"

Gregory – "You are being here is important but seeing me go through the ringer and all, may be a little bit too much for yourself"

Olivia shrugged her shoulders.

Olivia – "Well after everything that's happened, I know that no matter what Gregory, you'll survive this"

Gregory – "Thank you......"

Gregory looked down a little bit before he tried clearing his throat so that he can speak but had some trouble.

Olivia – "Is something wrong Gregory?"

Gregory – "I....um...."

Officer – "Alright, break's over, it's time for us to go back in!"

People start coming back into the parole board room in the prison.

Olivia – "Are you alright? You were about to say something...."

Gregory – "Nevermind Olivia.... we should be going back inside now"

Gregory left before Olivia watched him and was concerned.

Bette – "Aren't you coming Olivia?"

Olivia – "Yes Bette ....let's go in"



Unknown Location

Annie slowly opened her eyes and awoken to find herself tied up below in a basement where it was just nothing but herself. Immediately trying to figure a way out of not just the ropes but also the basement, Annie looked around and noticed there was nothing in the room that could help her unless she could somehow move. Hearing a door open from upstairs, Annie stopped and looked up seeing her uncle come down the stairs with a nasty grin on his face.

Dan – "Getting used to your new home?

Annie – "This isn't my new home; this is hell, and you know it"

Dan – "Well then, maybe you should get used to it more often"

Annie – "Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to hurt me?"

Dan – "Hurt you? I want to destroy you Annie for all the crimes you've committed and the lives you hurt in the process, even for breaking your father's heart in the process!"

Annie – "You're not my judge, jury, and executioner

Dan – "I can be any of those Annie if you want to cross me"

Annie – "And what happens after that? What are you going to tell my husband AND my son, YOUR great nephew?!

Dan thought about it and then shrugged his shoulders as he chuckled

Dan – "Don't know, don't care.... it's not my issue or won't be anymore"

Annie – "I am going to get out of here whether you like it or not one day and you won't see it coming"

Dan – "If you do, there's going to consequences"

Annie – "Then kill me and get it over with!"

Dan chuckled a bit and shook his head.

Dan – "It doesn't work like that, it's way too easy my sweet niece who loves to stir up the pot"

Annie – "At least you care a bit"

Dan – "Hell no I don't you slut"

Annie spits.

Annie – "Screw you Uncle Dan"

Dan – "You bitch, we'll see who gets the last laugh"

Growling, Dan stormed up the stairs and slammed the door shut while Annie looked for way to escape.


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