Episode 3

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Prison – Visiting Room

Sean Richards, an attorney, someone that didn't quite follow in his old man's footsteps, sat and waited to come see Gregory. The moment Sean heard of his father's parole; he couldn't believe it himself. After everything he did just to get back at his mother, Cole and others, Gregory didn't deserve to get out of prison as Sean saw him come in with the guard.

Gregory – "Hello Sean, I see you're in a very chipper mood today"

Sean – "I was until I saw you here just now"

Gregory – "Watch it son, this is your father you're talking too"

Sean – "A father I wish I could still respect, but anyway, i'm here to give you great news you've been waiting for"

Gregory – "Let me guess, I may be a free man because of parole, correct?"

Sean – "How did you know?"

Gregory – "Sean, a man like me keeps tabs on everything, always remember that"

Sean – "Anyway, you're not out of the woods just yet. All that needs to be done, is for you to go up to a board and make your case. That's it.... BUT...it's up to the board so they can grant the parole"

Gregory – "That's it huh?"

Sean – "Yes, you can give them an award performance to convince that they'll shed their tears on. You're really good at it you know?"

Gregory – "I'm confident that I'll be out of here in no time. Anyway, how's your mother?"

Sean – *Smirk* "Happy, content with life, though she still has a good man on her side in Cole Deschanel"

Gregory – "Do you still think that still bothers me after all this time Sean? One of these days your mother will wake up and realize what a mistake she made of marrying Cole"

Sean – "Like she realizing marrying you was a mistake? See you at the parole daddio, and please be on your best behavior, aye?"

Sean got up and left the visiting room causing Sean to just chuckle a bit before he got up to follow the guard back to his cell. Still after all this time, Sean didn't forget about every little thing Gregory did and the old man wasn't going to blame his son. But Gregory was still confident about being paroled, the man wasn't giving up without a fight which means he may have to make certain changes.



Java Webb

Cole sat at the bar checking his voicemail messages on anything he missed out on during his break from work. But the thought of Gregory being possibly paroled was something in his mind all day, not even the good sex with Olivia helped at all. AJ, who came to the bar, saw Cole thinking of something but if he had to bet, it could only mean one thing.... Gregory Richards.

AJ – "Penny for your thoughts?"

Cole - *Turns around a bit and sees him* "If you could only know who i'm thinking of dad"

AJ – "Gregory, correct?"

Cole –*Sarcastic* "Bingo! You just won yourself a grand prize, how about I get a drink for you?"

AJ – "Oh, why thank you Cole but I can't stay long. I'm just here to meet up with a friend but i'll just have a drink"

AJ sat down next to Cole before Cole ordered a glass of water for AJ. Cole was still in his thoughts about Gregory unfortunately.

AJ – "But the news about Gregory's parole hearing must have you on the edge your seat"

Cole – "A part of me wished that old man would stay dead honestly. It's surprising he's lived for so many years and continues to be a pain in the neck...even if he's not physically here and in the slammer"

AJ – "You know how Gregory is Cole, the man is smart and creative. One way or another, he's going to get out or prison, are you even concerned or worried?"

Cole – "It's obvious you saw me thinking hard when coming in here. Of course, i'm just worried how Olivia out of all will react"

AJ – "Olivia's love for Gregory never went away when we were together back then. Of course, the thought of seeing another man with her made Gregory jealous to the bone, but he tried to win her back. You're with her now and I- "

Cole – "Don't even say it.... you think I am going to lose Olivia to that jerk?"

AJ – "Son, they have a history between each other that can't be erased. Olivia loves you but what if she leaves you?"

Cole – "Well...I guess we'll never know won't we until Gregory pulls one up on all of us. Look, I got to go, enjoy your drink and whoever is coming with you"

AJ – "Before you go, do me a favor son...don't do anything rash when it comes to Gregory. Don't sink to his level or you'll be no better than he is.... you're better than that"

Hearing what AJ said, Cole simply nodded and smiled before he got up. Patting his dad on the back, Cole paid the bartender, then left the Java Webb. AJ looked back wondering if what he said made his son realize to not go after Gregory but as Cole was outside, he took out his cell phone. Cole understood what his father meant, though it felt way too good to let it go as Cole started to make a phone call.

Cole – "Hello? Hey it's me.... I need a favor from you"



Annie Douglas Cavanaugh was running errands for herself, Jude and their son Christian as she left the store. Coming to her car, Annie's cell phone rang as placed her bags near the trunk before she opened it, then quickly took out her phone. The caller ID was unknown which already annoyed Annie who just wanted to head back home.

Annie – "Hello?"

Voice – "My sweet Annie, you still sound the same after all this time, don't you?"

Annie moved the phone and looks at it in shock. That voice reminded her of someone in her past, someone who she issues with growing up, but she still loved him.

Annie – "Daddy?"

Annie puts the phone back to her ear before she spoke.

Annie – "Who is this?"

Voice – "Who do you think it is Annie? It's your sweet little ole' daddy, we haven't spoken to each other in a long time"

Annie - *Glares* "Is this sick joke? My father was murdered, ya sick freak, whoever this is hang up or I will call the police"

Voice – "Now you listen here little girl. Show some respect to your daddy, you've been nothing but trouble. Spending all my money so you can do whatever you want, well guess what? That ends right here and right- "

Annie ended the call immediately, disgusted from what she heard. But could it be her father after everything that happened? Her daddy died but that voice was just chilling and reminded her all about Del Douglas. Putting her bags in the trunk, Annie got in her car and started up the car before leaving the mall completely and calling her husband.

Annie – "Jude? Where are you? We need to meet somewhere, NOW! I don't care where it is.... something just happened and contact our son too"


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