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Chapter 461 I will definitely hold on

In short, the original nervousness in Mrs. He's heart had completely disappeared at this moment.

She just trusted the gynecological master so blindly.

As long as the gynecologist is there, Ran Ran will be able to give birth smoothly.

The mother and son returned to He Zhiran's house, and He Ziming talked about her situation again.

"I just checked Ran Ran. If there are no accidents in her condition, we should start the operation early tomorrow morning."

Hearing that it was going to be launched, He Zhiran felt somewhat nervous.

Although the eldest brother looked calm and calm, as a doctor herself, she naturally knew how difficult it would be to give birth to a child with an abnormal fetal position.

Is the eldest brother a god?

Can she give birth to twins even if they are in an abnormal fetal position?

Just when He Zhiran was confused, He Ziming spoke again.

"It stands to reason that Ran Ran still has at least three days before the pregnancy starts, but her fetal position needs to be corrected immediately.

There will be some pain during the correction process, and it will also stimulate her to start early. "

As for the deeper meaning, He Ziming did not intend to explain too much.

Through the examination just now, he had determined that the fetus in his sister's belly was not in the right position. Fortunately, he was able to arrive in the northwest today.

If it were any later, I'm afraid even the arrival of the miracle doctor teacher wouldn't be able to help.

The reason why He Ziming is so confident is because the book the miracle doctor gave him left a set of very magical acupuncture techniques.

The position of the fetus in the abdomen can be reversed through acupuncture and manipulation.

The fetal position in the abdomen is correct. For a mother with no physical problems, there is basically no possibility of dystocia.

Even if He Zhiran was pregnant with twins, she could give birth smoothly.

Most importantly, he also learned a set of midwifery acupuncture techniques from the book, which can shorten the pain time of pregnant women and allow the baby to be born earlier.

Although He Zhiran didn't know the specific method that her elder brother used to help him reverse the fetal position, in her understanding, it was nothing more than a medical technique.

She had heard of this technique in her previous life, which was to use the pregnant woman's belly to twist the position of the child in her belly.

This method is indeed very painful for pregnant women, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as heartbreaking.

He Zhiran didn't care about any of this.

She is not a delicate young lady like the original owner, and she has no fear of the pain that may come soon.

Hearing from her uncle that reversing the fetal position might be painful, Mo Jiuye became a little uneasy.

"Brother, is there no other way?"

His Ran Ran has suffered so much by following her, but it is a pity that this kind of thing cannot be replaced, otherwise he will bear it all without saying a word.

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