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Chapter 71 Emperor Shunwu pays the bill

He Zhiran pretended to help Fei Nanyu get up, and asked: "You sit on our wooden cart while we go to the county government office?"

Fei Nanyu glared at the scholars angrily, then nodded: "Okay, I'm here to help you, girl."

When the scholar saw that a few people were serious about it, someone immediately stepped forward to surrender.

"Isn't it just a compensation of twenty taels per person? We agree. There is no need to alarm the county magistrate for such a trivial matter."

Seeing this, He Zhiran stretched out his hand towards several people.

"Since you don't want to go to the Yamen, please give me money quickly!"

The scholars looked at each other for a while, and then started collecting money behind their backs.

Soon, one hundred taels of silver were delivered to He Zhiran and others.

Peng Wang waved her hand and told them to get lost.

The five scholars ran away quickly.

He Zhiran gave Fei Nanyu one hundred taels of silver.

"Keep it!"

Although Fei Nanyu was injured, he still couldn't stop the unruly look in his eyes.

"Why are you helping me? Aren't you afraid of offending those people?"

He Zhiran shrugged and replied casually: "It's just uneven roads, don't think too much."

In order not to make Fei Nanyu suspicious, He Zhiran looked away and did not look at him.

"Can you still leave?"


Fei Nanyu said, stood up with great effort, and bowed deeply to several people.

"Thank you all for your help. If we see each other again in the future, Fei will definitely try his best to repay you."

After saying that, he turned around and limped away.

It wasn't until Fei Nanyu's back disappeared that He Zhiran called Peng Wang and the official to go find food.

He Zhiran couldn't tell whether her action of saving Fei Nanyu today would be rewarded in the future.

However, she firmly believed that even if they could not become friends in the future, they would not become enemies because of what happened today.

Just when He Zhiran was thinking about this, Peng Wang couldn't help but ask.

"Sister, based on my brother's understanding of you, you are not the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people's business. Why did you save that person?"

This kind of thing comes out of selfishness, and He Zhiran will naturally not tell the truth.

"I can't bear to see more people bullying others, so I couldn't help but meddle in other people's business."

Peng Wang didn't believe this at all, but since she didn't want to talk, he couldn't continue to ask.

After walking for almost ten minutes, Peng Wang pointed to an inconspicuous-looking stall and said:

"The wontons at that restaurant are delicious, and they also have their signature braised pork. Do you want to try it?"

He Zhiran was very hungry at the moment, and he didn't have high requirements for what to eat. For now, he just needed to fill his stomach.

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