Scenario 93

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In 1971, Eddie, a black boy, was back at home after spending two weeks for the first time at a summer camp. His dad, Ward, asked him, " How was camp, Eddie?" Eddie said, "It was fun and I learned new things, pop." Ward said, "Good for you. What did you learn at camp?" Eddie said, " White boys doodoo a lot at camp, pop. They are always sitting on the open toilets with their pants down whenever I go to use the bathroom, pops. Mostly the same ones. Why is that, pops?" His father said, "Well, son, they probably had to go. You must have done the same, son." Eddie said, "Yeah, but not as much as they do." Ward asked him, "Besides watching other campers using toilets at camp, what other activities did you do? Did you learn new things, meet new friends, play sports, hike, swim, fish, roast marshmallows around the campfire or participated in fun activities like potato sack races? Eddie, I sent you to summer camp to have a good time and learn new things, not to watch other boys in the bathroom relieving themselves. I paid a lot of my hard-earned money to send you upstate, son. The next time I send you to camp, you better not tell me about some boys, regardless of race, color or creed, on the toilet doing their business. If you do, I'm going to beat the doodoo out of you." (stern face) Eddie said, "Yes pops! I got the message. I came in second in the relay race and I won a trophy." Ward smiled and said, "Good for you. I'm proud of you, son."

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