Scenario 5

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One morning at this commuter station, a man name Paul is entering inside the men's room to use the bathroom, there are no other occupants inside and the only toilet stall is at the very end of the restroom. Paul is about to enter the stall, when suddenly this desperate woman is trotting fast towards the stall in an urgent need to use the bathroom, she is surprising Paul. She is yelling, "Excuse me, pardon me! Emergency!" She is bypassing him, entering the stall, and closing the stall door latching so she can do her business. Paul is listening to her loudly urinating. Paul is speechless and giggling. The toilet flushes and she exit the stall, lightly gasping telling Paul, "I really had to let out a gusher and the lady's toilet is all the way on the other side of the station." Paul understood as he watched her go to the sink to wash her hands, leaving and entering the stall to use.

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