Scenario 11

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It's the first day of school, two brothers are exiting the boy's lavatory. The older brother is disgusted as he looks at his younger brother, Lamont a 6th grader. Marlon, a popular 8th grader tells Lamont, "I still cannot believe what you done in the boy's bathroom, coming in there (Lamont laughing), sitting on the toilet peeing with the stall door open, where everyone can see you. Only peeing, not taking a dump and not even a fart, just peeing Lamont, how could you and what is the matter with you and it's not funny (Lamont stops laughing, but still smirking.) Here I am talking with my crew when you have done it!" Lamont responds, "I always sit down and pee." Marlon tells him, "You are supposed to sit and only pee at home, not in public, especially not here at school in that boy's bathroom, you are supposed to stand and pee, not sit, or squat like a female. I can hear it now; 'kid brother of Marlon Rhames pees sitting down on the school toilet. From now on baby brother, join the rest of us guys, stand up and pee! Only sit when you must poop." Lamont says, "Okay!" He is giggling, while he and Marlon are on their way to the next class. Lamont asks Marlon, "Do you and your crew always hang in the boy's bathroom talking and chilling. That's strange!" Marlon wants to respond, instead he tells him to "get to class smart ass!" Lamont laughing says, "Okay!"

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