Scenario 14

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Back the autumn of 1979, a man name Howard is busy driving his cab looking for passengers when suddenly he feels the urge to go the bathroom and move his bowels, forcing him to make an emergency bathroom break. Luckily, he has no passengers and he did find this parking space directly in front this park-playground. He parks the vehicle in that spot, he gets out walking as fast as he can to the park's men's room. He enters the restroom and notices there is only one toilet stall with no door in front of it for privacy. He is the only one inside the restroom. He enters the toilet booth, dropping his trousers, taking a seat on the toilet moving his bowels, loudly. This young boy, about 7 years old, enters the restroom and notices Howard is sitting in the stall, the boy is staring at Howard, covering his nose, and giggling. Howard tells the boy, "Ha-ha-ha, very funny kid? Beat it Junior! How would you like it if someone bothered you sitting on this toilet?" The boy tells him, "I would never doodoo in this bathroom!" The boy goes to use one of the urinals relieving himself, then takes one last quick glance at Howard still on the toilet, and he leaves the restroom jumping and laughing, Howard saying to himself, 'Disrespectful little punk! Yeah, he said that and one day, his behind will be on this toilet and someone will be bothering him! He would not like that and he'll go home crying to his momma!" Howard is finishing up on the toilet.

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