Scenario 47

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21-year-old Anthony recently moved in with his chubby, first cousin Kurt. Anthony and Kurt are around the same, but Kurt is a little older. Anthony and Kurt live inside a two-bedroom apartment. Kurt older brother used to live there until he left to join the marines.

Anthony and Kurt were always more like brothers than cousins when they were kids. On occasions they spend the night over at each other's house. Their fathers were close brothers, Anthony's dad passed away. They are now grown men with jobs and they have certain habits each trying to tolerate.

One evening exhausted, Anthony arrives home from work entering the apartment, needing to get into the bathroom and he finds Kurt as usual sitting on the toilet with his pants down to his ankles while scrolling on his mobile phone. Anthony is annoyed with this type of behavior of Kurt using the toilet with the door wide open. Anthony asks his cousin, "Kurt, is it possible you can close the door while you're on the toilet taking a shit, cuz." Kurt tells him, "Why? I'm not embarrassed, remember we used to shit in front of one another." Anthony replies, "We were kids back then. What if I happen to bring a female over. Come on cuz, please close the door while you are on the toilet. You almost done; I got to go, also!" Anthony walks away going to his room, Kurt responds, "Shoot, if I knew he was going to be this uptight; I never would have asked him to move in with me! Cuz needs to relax!"

Throughout the following day, Anthony was feeling guilty about how roughly he acted towards Kurt, especially after he arrived home the previous night. He also reminisces about the fun times they had together growing up and realizes it is Kurt's home. Anthony decides to light up. He arrives home, stating to himself, "if Kurt wants to take a shit on the toilet with the door open, if there is just the two of us there, so be it. It's his prerogative! I myself, might consider shitting with the door open, also!" Anthony enters the apartment; he notices Kurt exiting the bathroom after opening the door with the toilet flushing.  Anthony is about to make amends apologizing to Kurt for his attitude towards him, "Listen Cuz, I want to apologize and let you know that was uncalled for what I done yesterday." Kurt interrupts, "Listen, I understand, but can we talk about this later, I have company!" The door to Kurt's bedroom opens and this fine young lady around their age, both Anthony and Kurt notice her, Kurt introduces both to each other and her name is Chrystal. She tells Kurt while re-entering his room, "I'll be in the room waiting for you! Don't make me wait too long! Really nice to meet you, Anthony." Anthony says, "Likewise. (Then telling Kurt as she enters the bedroom, as he takes one final quick glance at the fine body of hers, especially her backside.). As I was saying, it's okay with me if you want to take a shit with the door open, I probably might consider doing it myself. If I plan on bringing guest over, I call first before bringing her to the spot." Kurt says, "Cool, but I need to ask you for something." Anthony asks, "What, instructions?" Shaking his head laughing, Kurt responds, "I already have that down pact Cuz, I need rubbers." "Rubbers" Says Anthony Laughing, then telling Kurt, "Sure, let's go to my room and get you some rubbers." They enter Anthony's room to get Kurt what he needs as they some more, then Kurt leaves to go to his room to entertain Chrystal. Anthony remains in his room, laying on his bed relaxing and smiling.

Tales of the Toilet #2Where stories live. Discover now