Scenario 15

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Shawn and Davey, two high school freshmen, skipped school and wandered around the downtown shopping area. Shawn needed to use the bathroom, so they went into a large department store. He headed to the men's restroom on the third floor, leaving Davey outside to wait for him. Inside the restroom, Shawn is sitting on the toilet in one of the stalls with his pants down. Soon after, a man in his 40s, Harvey, came into the same restroom. He is supposed to be at work, but he is with his lady and she is waiting for him outside. He entered the stall next to Shawn and lowered his trousers, sitting on the toilet as well.

Shawn leaves the stall and heads to the sink to wash his hands. Harvey comes out of his stall and sees Shawn. He exclaims, "Shawn!" Shawn is startled and turns to face the man. He says, "Dad!" Harvey tells his son, "Your school is far from here, Shawn! Shouldn't you be there?" Shawn tries to think of an excuse. They hear the woman Harvey is with, calling his name from outside the restroom. "Harvey, baby, are you okay in there?" Shawn says with a smirk, "She doesn't sound like Mom, Dad!" Harvey tries to find a way out of the situation. He says to Shawn, "Listen, Shawn, let's pretend this never happened and I don't ever want to catch you in this situation again." Shawn agrees, "Sure, Dad!" He adds, "And I don't ever want to catch you in this situation again either!" Harvey sneers and leaves the restroom, "Ha-ha-ha."

Shawn tells Davey later, "You won't believe this. I ran into my dad in the men's room." Davey looks worried and says, "Your old man saw you and you don't care?" Shawn says, "Why should I care? I also saw him sneaking around with another woman, cheating on my mom. Now I have something to blackmail him with. We were in the bathroom and his mistress called him from outside. We agreed to act like nothing happened. But I won't let him off the hook!" Davey says, "Man, your dad is cheating on your mom and you don't care?" Shawn says, "Care? Why should I care?" Davey says, "What if you told your mom and your dad confessed? Your parents would split up. He would leave you and your mom alone. And what if he told her about you and him meeting in the men's room, you were supposed to be at school? Which would make you know about his infidelity, keeping it from her and your mom would be very hurt and angry. She might take her frustrations out on you. Will you be able to live that, homeboy?" Shawn's confidence turns concern as he listens to Davey's words.

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