Scenario 25

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Back in the 1990s, inside this unusual men's room, where the end section of the restroom has a communal of four toilets with no partitions and no privacy. This man, probably from a West Indian nation enters the section mumbling to himself, he goes to one of the toilets, but before doing his business, he grabs enough toilet paper from one of the rollers in front of the commodes. He wipes the seat, drops his trousers, and sits on one of the exposed toilets deciding to occupy himself removing a rolled-up blunt from this shirt pocket, lighting it up, smoking while he is letting it out. Other occupants are witnessing this and he responds to them, "What da blood clot y'all looking at! Stick to your own affair and let me be, fucking batty-boys have nothing to do but to hang around public toilet, watching me take me crap, bummer clot!" A uniformed police officer entering the restroom going to that section with the dude still on the toilet smoking his blunt and the smell of reefer in the air enough to make someone gag and he is smoking as if he is at home in his bathroom, along with mumbling to himself ending each sentence with "aye of blood clot". The same cop asks, "What duh, what in the world do you think you are doing?" He replies, "What does it look like, I'm taking me a crap!" The cop tells him, "I can see that and smoking pot while you're inside this public bathroom, really! Dispose of it or get locked up." The dude tells him, "I will, after I finish smoking and finish crapping!" The cop stands there along with his partner joining him as they watch him in disbelief and the man boldly continues smoking while still mumbling to himself, while others are witnessing.

In court, the judge tells the same dude, " have been charged with smoking pot in a public restroom." The dude says, "Yes, your honor, I was on the toilet minding my business until that police officer harassed me, your honor." The judge tells him, "You do realized smoking in a public restroom is consider a violation or a misdemeanor, and smoking pot?" He says, "I needed something to do while keeping myself occupied on the toilet bowl your honor and he (the cop) didn't bother them loiterers hanging inside the restroom harassing me your honor." The judge tells him, "In the future Mister Keats, I suggest you find other means of keeping yourself occupied while using a public toilet, read a newspaper, magazine or do anything that's legal. The defendant is hereby fined..." 

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