Scenario 34

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Delilah is staying over at her boyfriend Larry's apartment. On Sunday morning, she is brushing her teeth in the bathroom and getting ready to take a shower. Suddenly, Larry walks into the bathroom, lifts up the toilet lid and seat, and he starts to urinate. Delilah is shocked by his behavior and says to him, "Uh, Larry; what are you doing?" Larry responds, "Peeing." Delilah says, "I know, but in front of me, while I'm still in the bathroom! Hello! You could have let me know before you started, so I could leave." Larry tells her, "Why, you're my lady and I don't mind and plus, we agree to have an open relationship, with nothing to hide. (He is standing in front the sink washing his hand.) Besides, I only peed, it's not like I sat down and took a dump. I'll be in the living room. You can feel free to pee in front of me, while I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth or shaving." Larry exits the bathroom after drying his hand and Delilah is amazed.

At work, Delilah tells her best friend and co-worker Andrea, "Yeah girl, he came right into the bathroom while I was busy brushing my teeth and he had the audacity to whip his dick out peeing in front of me. I was totally shocked and speechless. He could have waited his turn or asked me to leave. "Smiling, Andrea responds, "I do find it very sexy! Watching and listening to a man pee in the toilet, especially in front of me. It turns me on." Laughing, Delilah tells her, "Andrea, you're a freak!" Andrea says, "You darn right!" Andrea and Delilah laugh. She tells her mother and she tells her, "So! Why are you telling me this? What do you want me to do, reprimand him for peeing in front of you? So, return the favor and pee in front of him. Your dad and I have been peeing in front of each other for years! Deal with it." Delilah, thinking about what her mom said and she prefers urinating alone.

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