Scenario 20

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Friday evening, inside the Jenkins' household, two siblings; Kevin (9) and Flo (12) are waiting for their older brother, Josh (14) to exit the bathroom, so they can use it. He has been in there awhile. Josh is not really using the toilet or bathing. He just sitting on the toilet lid with his trousers up ogling into a pornography magazine, he has three adult magazines and he got them from one of his friends, he is smiling while gazing at the pics of ladies posing nude and having sex. Flo impatiently knocks hard on the bathroom door yelling," Josh hurry up, other people in this house have to use the bathroom!" Kevin adds "YEA!" Josh says. "Damn!" He rises from the toilet, tucking the magazines under the carpet through a flap between the wall and the rear of the toilet, he is hoping no one would notice. He flushes the toilet, spraying air freshener around the bathroom as an explanation for his long bathroom visit. He opens the bathroom door with Flo commenting, "About time!" Josh exits the bathroom smirking and Flo enters the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Kevin asks Josh, "What were you doing in the bathroom?" Josh tells him while walking away, "I was on the toilet, nosy!"

Saturday morning, the mother is doing her usual bathroom cleaning. She is busy cleaning and disinfecting the toilet bowl and she notices the flap sticking up, the adult magazines left there by Josh. She lifts the flap of the carpet, removing the magazines. She is seething, blaming on her oldest son, Allen (18), "I don't believe this, what kind of example is he supposed to be setting by bringing this filth into this house and have the audacity to try and hide them under the carpet, near the toilet bowl, thinking no one would notice. I have a surprise for him and I'm really going to get on his ass about this! (Laughing)"

Later that afternoon, the oldest brother Allen arrives home and his mother confronts him after they greet each other and they are the only ones in the house. She tells him, "You're really something else Allen. You think I would not find them and you had the nerve to hide them in the bathroom, (confused, Allen is wondering what she is talking about.) beside the toilet bowl, tucked under the rug." She shows Allen the magazines, "What kind of an example you are supposed to be setting for your younger brothers by bringing this trash into our home and hiding them in the bathroom, beside the toilet, under the flap of the carpet! (Allen is a bit shocked and surprised)! Suppose your younger siblings have noticed those magazines. You could have been more discrete Allen." Allen, realizes who placed them their replies, "It was wrong mom, I'm sorry! I was irresponsible and I won't do it again." She adds, "Let's hope not!" As Allen and his mom talk some more, along with his mom asking him not to bring them type of magazines into their home.

Later that evening, Josh enters the bathroom and before he could close the door behind him while he's inside, Allen enters behind him and Josh tells him, "Allen come on, I have to use the bathroom." Allen tells him, "Go ahead and besides (closing the bathroom door). I figure you might need these to keep yourself entertained while you're on the toilet bowl, here (holding up the three adults' magazines)." Josh is stunned and speechless, Allen continues, "mom found them, while she was cleaning the toilet bowl. She saw it under the rug next to the toilet. She thought I was responsible for the magazines and I took the blame." Josh admits to Allen about the magazines, revealing he got them from one of friends at school. Allen understands. He tells Josh that he is going to continue taking the blame for the magazines and insists on leaving it that way with Josh agreeing. Allen did have a talk with Josh concerning the magazines.

Josh begins feeling guilty for Allen taking the blame for the magazines, he enters his mom's bedroom, while she is watching TV, he tells her he was responsible for the magazines being in the bathroom and how he hid the magazines under the rug next to the toilet hoping no one find them. He apologizes for the magazines and Allen taking the blame. Stating that Allen had nothing to do with the magazines, he is responsible and Allan was covering for him. His mother is a bit angry, but she understands her middle son is a growing young man with a lot to learn and she asks him, "Okay and where did you get them from, it's not like you went to some newsstand and got them." He replies, "From a friend at school. I promise I will get rid of them and never bring them into this house." His mom replies, "Josh, I know you are at that age and a teenager. Don't ever make promises you are never going to keep. It's not the magazines and it's the contents, is what you see in the magazine can affect you physically and mentally young man, thinking all women do what those women in those magazines do! For now, try to stay from those type of magazines until you are mature enough." Josh says, "Yes mom." She adds, "And since you into making the bathroom your favorite reading room, you are the designated bathroom cleaner making sure the tub, basin and toilet is clean and glistening." Josh replies, "Yes mom!" "And Josh, I appreciate what you just done, it took a lot of courage and I'm proud of you." Josh says, "Yes mom!" As they talk some more.

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