Scenario 81

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In 1978, a single mother is at home sitting in her living room on her couch watching TV, with both her feet up on the coffee table. She calls her 8-year-old daughter, "Kim!" No reply, she yells again, "Kim!" Kim answers her, "Yes ma."  She tells her, "Come into the living room." Kim replies, "I can't ma, I'm using the bathroom!"  She tells her, "Come out now, I need you to do something for me."  Kim, still yelling from the bathroom, replies, "Ma!" Her mom tells her, "Girl, you better get your behind in this living room, I mean it."   Kim exits the bathroom pouting and the toilet flushing, tightening her trousers, going into the living room wondering what her mother wants, her mother tells her, " I need you to go over to the TV and change the channel for me."  Kim stands in shock, along with her hands on her hips, having her bathroom break interrupted, just to change the channel for her mother.  Her mother asks her, "Why are you standing there like a bump on a log, go change the channel and turn up the volume, but not too high."  Kim reluctantly goes over to the TV set, her mother tells her, "Channel five."  She turns the rotator to channel 5, raising the volume also. She tells Kim, "That's good! Thank you, sweetie!" Kim asks, "anything else?" She tells Kim, "No, don't go too far. I might need you to change the channel after this show is over. (Kim sneers at her) Girl, don't give me that look." Kim leaves the living room for her bedroom shaking her head in disbelief.

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