Scenario 68

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Saturday afternoon, 22-year-old Keisha is home in her bathroom sitting on the toilet using her cellphone. When it's time for her wipe, she wipes and the roll is out of paper. She was in such a rush to use the toilet; she did not bother to check if she had enough paper before she sat down and let it out. She yells out of the bathroom to her live-in boyfriend, Clay. Clay is in the living room watching sports on the big flat screen TV. She keeps yelling and yelling for Clay and finally he hears her going to the bathroom. He gets to the doorway and Keisha tells him. "I need toilet paper; I just used the last sheets and I need some more." Clay tells her, "You should have check before you sat your ass down." She tells him, "Hello, there were plenty of times you had sat your ass down and stuck on this toilet with no paper, hello!  See if we have any more paper in stock closet, please!" Laughing, Clay checks the stock closet where they keep the extra rolls of paper and they are out. Clay tells her the news, "We're out of stock. I guess I have to go to the store us a roll." Keisha tells him, "Hurry back, I don't want to be on this toilet too long."

Clay is outside, going to the grocery store, he stops and talks to some buddies for a few minutes. After he is done talking to his buddies, he goes to the store.  Keisha impatient is wondering what's taking Clay so long, she gets up and sits back down. He enters the grocery store, getting not only toilet paper, other provisions for the household, a lottery ticket, a scratch-off ticket and a tall can of Coors Light. He and the store employee Rashid talk for a few minutes, watching baseball on Rashid TV set.

Clay finally returns home and he notices Keisha is sitting in the living room watching a movie on Lifetime. Keisha tells Clay, "I decided to use soap, water and a washcloth."  Clay says, "Oh, okay. (To himself) Bet not be mine!" Clay entering the bathroom to place the toilet paper on the roller.  Keisha also tells him, she spoke with her older sister and her older sister reminded Keisha she was not in some public restroom or in someone's bathroom, she was in her own bathroom and she heeded her sister's advice. She also punished Clay by holding out for a week on their sex and love making, that includes with himself, also. Clay had no choice but to accept the punishment, saying to himself, "That's cool, because once the punishment. He-he-he! I'm going to bang the mess out of her. Wear her ass out! Placing me on some, sex restriction, please!" Clay is laughing.

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