Scenario 19

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At home, 13-year-old Marcus standing outside the living room is spying on his 16-year-old brother Doug and his new girlfriend, Tracy. Doug and Tracy are on the sofa sitting beside each other cuddling. Doug thinking, they are alone is attempting to get a tongue kiss from her, Tracy feeling is not the right place for it. Doug is being persistent, "Come on, let's do this. Just a quick one, please!" She tells him, "No, suppose your mom or someone walks in and catches us." At the same time, Marcus is puckering his lip teasingly imitating Doug. Tracy is about to consider kissing Doug on his lips until she notices Marcus standing in the doorway spying, she rises from the sofa saying, "Oh no, I better be going." Doug wondering, asking, "What's wrong?" Tracy replies, "Your brother, he is spying on us (Doug fuming). Besides, it's time for me to go home. Another time, maybe." Doug is sneering at Marcus in disgust along with convincing her to stay and she tells him while smiling, "I did say maybe another time! Will you calm down!" Tracy is leaving through the front entrance of the apartment, walking downstairs, and exiting the building entrance. Doug sadly watches her exit and he enters the apartment fuming and he notices Marcus is still there in the living room, Doug angrily tells his young brother, "Are you happy, see what you done. I going to kick your ass for this." Doug grabs Marcus and Marcus covering himself from Doug's assaults, laughing, "Get off me!" Doug is serious. Their mother enters the living room, "what's going on in here and why are you (Doug) beating up on your brother? Doug, knock it off, stop." "I will after I beat him up!", Says Doug still on top his brother on the sofa grabbing and roughing Marcus up, his mother orders him, "I mean it, get off your brother." Doug stops and their mother asks for an explanation. Doug angrily tells his mom, "He interrupted my alone time with Tracy bothering us." Marcus laughing, "All I did was catch him trying to get a kiss from Tracy." Doug wants to continue beating up on Marcus, while their mother restrains him and orders Marcus to leave the living room while she calms Doug.

The following day around 3pm, Doug is sitting in the living room alone watching TV. He is hoping Tracy will call or stop by. He has the TV remote control in his hand changing channels. He is still a bit teed-off at Marcus for messing up his alone time with Tracy and he has doubts. Marcus enters the apartment from the front and he notices Doug alone in the living room staring at the TV screen. Marcus teases Doug after greeting him, "Whassup! Big Bro! All alone, no Tracy. Like to hang with you, I'm about to go in the back and handle my business, do my do!" Marcus is walking to the back of the apartment giggling at Doug and Doug is doing his best not to let Marcus get the best of him. Their sister Deb is entering the apartment with her friend, Stacy. Deb is months younger than Marcus and they go to the same school. Stacy likes Marcus and Marcus likes her back as in a school crush, they started talking as if in seeing one another. Deb introduces Stacy to Doug and Doug waves hi to her, not looking in her direction. Stacy tells Deb, "Your place is nice Deb. Is Marcus home? I really would like to see him (smiling) and I know he wants to see me." Deb laughs while she replies, "I keep forgetting you two started liking each other, as in boyfriend and girlfriend." Deb and Stacy are laughing. Doug asks Stacy, "You really like Marcus, Stacy and y'all talking?" Deb tells him, "They both like each other." Smiling, Doug says, "Oh is that so! Well check this out, Marcus is home and he is in the back busy handling his business, doing his do. I will be glad to take you to him, I know he will really be shocked and surprised to see you, follow me." Stacy replies, "I hope so!" Deb is wondering what Doug is up to. Doug is escorting Stacy to the rear of the apartment flat with Deb following. Doug gets to the bathroom door saying, "Here he is!" Doug swiftly opens the door, which opens from the outside revealing Marcus sitting on the toilet with his pants all the way down, shockingly yelling "WHAT DA?" Stacy looks in saying, "OOPS!" Stun, she walks away blushing and Marcus is embarrassed, not saying a word. He is upset at Doug opening the door, exposing him on the toilet to his girlfriend as his way of payback. Marcus is still sitting on the toilet hoping Doug will close the door. Stacy tells Deb what she saw and Deb is shaking her head, they are giggling leaving the area to go to Deb's room and talk. Doug walking away cracking up, going back to the living room with the bathroom door still wide open. Marcus is about to get up from the toilet to close the door until the back door to the apartment opens and it is his mother entering the apartment with a bag of groceries in her hand and as she is about to pass the bathroom, she notices Marcus in the bathroom, she shakes her head asking him, "Marcus, why are you sitting your butt on the toilet with the door wide open. Close the dang door if you are going to use the bathroom." He wants to explain, but decides never mind while she closes the bathroom door shut.

Marcus is still embarrassed and humiliated because his new girlfriend saw him sitting on the toilet. He blames Doug for the exposure. Marcus is on his way to his bedroom and Doug approaches him asking, "You okay Marcus, no jumping, no laughing, I hope I didn't upset you in the bathroom handling your business, doing your do." Marcus replies, "You got yours, you got even!" The telephone rings and their mother answers it, she calls for Doug to pick up the phone. Doug is going to the living room, to talk on the telephone and it is Tracy. Doug is smiling while talking on the phone with Tracy, he hangs up the telephone, gleefully leaving the house to be with Tracy. At the same time, Stacy approaches Marcus to see if he's alright and he lets her know he is okay and they talk.

Their mother did find out about Marcus surprised exposure on the toilet by Doug. She laughs about it after she lightly reprimands her sons, as soon as she is alone.

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