Scenario 76

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Two best friends and knuckleheads, Daniel (17) and Rasheem (18) are sitting inside a local precinct jail cell. They have been arrested for disorderly conduct and other violations.  While they are sitting on a bench anticipating their fate.  There are three older men are sitting in the cell, also.  Daniel notice Rasheem uneasiness.  Daniel asks him, "Don't tell me you worry about getting your ass rape?" Rasheem looks at him, "Forgot you! I hate being behind bars." Suddenly, they notice one of the older guys, whose name is Dave going to the only toilet pulling his pants down, sitting his naked behind on the seatless steel toilet releasing a load of loud farts and plops.  Dave also flushes the toilet as in a courtesy flush while he remains seated, he notices Daniel looking at him covering his mouth and nose giggling at him, while Rasheem pays him no mind, avoid looking his direction.  Dave asks Daniel, "You find this shit funny. I supposed want to see more, check this out punk (Dave pushes his pants down a little more)." Daniel tells him, "Yo, will you please hurry up and finish taking your shit old man, putting a hurting on my eyes and nostrils, you should be adding more water." Rasheem intervenes before he goes any further, "My man, he is only kid, seventeen; a minor. Pay him no mind, please!"  Dave tells him, "I don't care how old his ass is, if he keeps bothering me, I'll beat his ass like he's my own kid."  Daniel tells him, "I like to see you try!"  A uniform cop announces, "Alright, alright! Show is over! You two (Daniel and Rasheem), free to go." Rasheem and Daniel exiting the cell, Dave is wiping and angrily mumbling and Daniel tells him, "I really enjoyed the show." Dave is raising his middle finger towards Daniel, then telling him, "Eat my shit!" Rasheem telling him, "Come on, let's go and get out of here.  This place creeps me out."

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