Scenario 2

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At home one evening, 14-year-old Riley is knocking on his parent's bedroom door before entering saying to them, "mom, dad." His dad asks him, "yes Riley, what is it son?" Riley tells them, "Since, you and mom have a lock on your bedroom door. I wonder if I can have a lock on my bedroom door, also. I am fourteen, a teenager in high school and I do need my privacy." His father tells him, "No way buddy! Forget it!" Riley is not too happy with his father reply and his father adds, "How is it, you going to stand there and ask for Privacy; son, you barely shut the door to the bathroom, while you're on the toilet, leaving the door ajar!" The mother adds, "I totally agree with your father, is there anything else?" Riley disappointedly says "No!" Walking away after failing to convince his parents about having a lock on his bedroom door. His parents are still laughing and talking about his proposal.

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