Mad Omen

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3 days later

3 days after Charlotte's victory in fighting Kraven. Kraven's body has been disposed of and sent back to his original world. As for Charlotte, the organ transplant surgery was successful but her body had weakened from her fight and as a result, she was put into a medically induced coma so that her body could recover. In total, her liver, intestines, stomach and even her lungs had to be removed and replaced with new ones. A few ribs had been smashed, and both her legs and her left arm had been broken.

Charlotte is currently being monitored around the clock, wired up to machines that pump blood into her and keep her alive. A few variants got to see and met her up close in such a state, Miguel is one of them. He originally brought her here so she could help him with an apostle who had gotten stuck in another word, but with her current condition, he had no choice but to bring in an army of variants to go and fight it without her.

However, despite only getting a few visitors, only one variant stayed close to her for hours on end. Spider-Witch has been sensing strange energy coming from Charlotte. She got word about Charlotte's inability to feel pain ever since she went berserk with her Berserk Armour. She did some research on the armour and discovered that the armour not only gives the user advanced superhuman abilities by turning them into a killing machine, it also puts a massive strain on the body. The more times the user goes berserk in the armour, the more of their human senses they lose. In Charlotte's case, she lost the ability to feel pain and also developed pins and needles in her left arm.

"Such a dangerous weapon for a person like her", Hecate mumbled to herself, "she sacrifices a part of her human senses just to take down opponents far more powerful than her. Fortunately for her, there are ways for her to regain her senses that she's currently lost with the modern technology in her world. But, just how many times can she go into a berserker rage before her psyche shatters?". Suddenly, Hecate heard steps coming from behind, she looked back to see SpiderPunk (Hobie), Indian SpiderMan (Parvitr) and SpiderWoman (Gwen). "Oh, hey there", Hecate greets the trio. "Hey Hecate", Parvitr greets back.

The trio stops in front of Charlotte's bed and looks down on her, acknowledging her and admiring her. "So this is the so-called 'Black SpiderWoman'?", Gwen spoke. "Up close, you can truly admire her. Her physique, her mentality. No wonder Miguel has created a new system for Variants like her". Parvitr turns to Gwen, "Is that so? What is it called?". Hobie climbed in. "I think he refers to her as, a Super Spider Variant. One that is too strong for their universe". "To be honest...", Parvitr shook, "no wonder why she's so strong, she fights demons daily. Come to think of it, she might as well be the strongest Variant in the entire SpiderVerse".

Suddenly, the trio's gizmo watches all beeped, signalling that they were needed for a mission. "Looks like our visit is over", Gwen stated. "Take care". The trio all left Hecate alone with the comatose Super Spider. The Witch sighs and continues with her thoughts about Charlotte.

Hours pass, and Hecate falls asleep on the medical bed next to Charlotte after getting lost in thought for hours about Charlotte's extraordinary abilities.

Deep inside Hecate's dream, she finds herself in a dark abyss, with no light, no objects, no people, just nothing but darkness. "What the...?", She mumbles to herself, "What is this? Where am I? Why is it so dark?". Then something came out of the darkness, it was a form of light in the form of two figures. It took Hecate a little bit to make out the two figures. One looked like a slightly muscular woman with short hair and the other looked like a tall muscular man with short hair who was missing his left hand. The figures were running, as if trying to escape something.

Suddenly, the two figures both lost their shapes as they morphed into blobs of light as if they were transforming into something else. Hecate watches on with eagerness for the two light blobs to change their shapes. Then, the light that was once the one-armed man reshapes itself into a figure that is identical to Charlotte. Hecate is surprised at the sight, "what the!? Is that?!", she shudders. Then the light that was the woman then reshapes itself into a shorter muscular man with slicked-back hair.

Hecate goes into thought on what the light figures could mean. Then a thought came into mind, "Wait, could those figures' previous shapes could be the previous lives, of Charlotte and that boy?".

Hecate is awoken by alarms blaring, she scrambles from her bed sheets. "What the?! What's going on!?", she yells out with confusion. Then her gizmo watch beeps, signalling her that a broadcast is being played by O'Hara. "All stations! Stop what you're doing! An Anomaly has escaped from containment and is running loose in the building!". Hecate gulps, 'oh god! That's not good!', she thought to herself, 'I hope the Anomaly isn't a powerful one!'.

Suddenly, she got a twitch, there was danger by the entrance. She glances to the entrance of the medical room and sees The Green Goblin from Earth-682, he was captured in Earth-96 but it took 10 variants to take him down. 'Shit! It's him!'. Hecate gulps with fear. "Well, well, what do we have here?!", Goblin said. "Two Spiders- no... One Spider taking a little nap. I'm sorry to wake you up little one". Hecate knew Green Goblin from Earth-682 as one of the most sadistic versions of Green Goblin in the entire Spider-verse. His reputation is the result of his way of treating his enemies and innocent people who just came into his sight.

Hecate may be strong but she is nothing compared to most. Green Goblin pulls out his signature weapon, his razor spike string, sharp enough to cut through flesh and bone in an instant. "Well, guess I'm just dealing with some girl dressed like a wizard", he spoke. "You look like you can't do much, so I'm doing you a favour by giving you a swift way out". He whips it forward towards Hecate who she finches and awaits the killing blow, but it never comes.

She looked back and saw that Charlotte had reached up and grabbed the razor string mod air with her bare fingers. After 3 days of being in a coma, the Black Spider Woman has awoken. Charlotte snaps the blade into two with her fingers gets back up from the bed and faces the Green Goblin. "So... you're back from the dead", Charlotte spoke so calmly. She may have just woken up but she is acting as if she was disturbed from a beautiful sleep that she was enjoying. "I could have sworn I've killed you and damaged your body to the point any sort of resuscitation was impossible. But here you are"

Green Goblin scoffs before acting in his usual arrogant manner. "So you killed another version of me aye!? So what!? That version of me was weak! I'm different! I'm going to kill you without any further hesitation!". Charlotte smirks, she knows he is serious about wanting to kill her but she knows that he won't even harm her, not even a single little bit. "Are you serious?", she spoke. "You're no different to my Green Goblin. In fact, you won't even land a single hit on me". Norman takes offence to Charlotte's comment and goes into attack.

"You think you can beat me!?" He yells, clearly enraged. "Well I'm gonna make you eat those words, you insignificant spi-". Norman was cut off by a swift high kick to the face from Charlotte, knocking him out cool. Hecate stares with shock, the fight has ended with just one swift kick. Jessica and Miguel arrive at the scene and see Green Goblin on the ground, unconscious. Their biggest surprise is Charlotte is now awake and has taken down the goblin. "So, you've awakened", Jessica spoke. "Impressive that you've done our work for us just as you woke up". Charlotte scoffs, "Can I go home now?". She bluntly asked.

Miguel seemed disappointed that Charlotte didn't want to stay here any longer. Hobie and Parvitr appear. Parvitr is holding something that is wrapped in a cloth. "Hey, you must be the Black SpiderWoman", Parvitr greets. "I know you've just woken up but I have some bad news". He unravels the cloth, revealing Charlotte's sword which is now broken in a few places. "We retrieved your sword but found it like this". Hobie explains. Charlotte lets out a sigh of frustration, knowing she now has to go back to barehand combat until she finds a new sword.

"Oh well, I'll just get a new one", she bluntly says. "Once I get back to my world". She turns to Miguel, signalling him to send her home. Miggy opens a portal to Charlotte's world and she wastes no time walking through. "I'll give you your bone-mending devices back when I'm done healing". She calls out and leaves the Spider Society once again back to her world.

Kraven Arc (ended)

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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