The berserker (part 2)

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Grunbeld has transformed into his apostle form, a massive crystallized dragon. Charlotte on the other hand is completely lost under the effects of the armor od. "Now Black Spider Woman!". Grunbeld yells. "Let's see if you can survive against this!". He swings his armoured tail at her with full force but Charlotte jumps out of the way and jabs her sword at the beast's face. The blade makes contact with the beast's face and cracks the facial armour. However, Charlotte's arm snaps and bends back from the force.

Grunbeld is in complete disbelief at this point. 'She... she crazed the armour on my face!', he thought to himself. 'It's impossible! That sword is smaller than Guts's massive hunk of iron!'. As for Charlotte, her arm is dangling by her side while bent at an awkward angle. Then the arm just magically rearranges itself and is now back to its original form. Turns out the armour had injected metal spikes into her arm and rearranged the bone and is now stable.

Charlotte charges in once again and unleashes her attacks. More and more she continues to land hits on Grunbeld and even cracks his armor in some places.

The band of the Hawk all watch on as Charlotte becomes less human with her attacks. "She's beating him!", a member spoke. "We should jump in and help!", another spoke. But the moment that demon says that sentence, Charlotte cuts down with on powerful swing of her sword. Eventually, Grunbeld unleashes his strongest attack, "Behold! My fire!", he roars and shoots out his fire at her and engulfs her with the flames. Charlotte emerges from the flames unaffected, swings her sword and slices half of Grunbeld's face clean off.

The remaining band of the Hawk all gasped as Charlotte defeated their lord. They all begin to scramble as Charlotte turns her attention towards them. But just as she was about to attack, she suddenly heard a voice. It sounded like a woman's voice was calling out to her.

"Your name... is Charlotte! The reincarnated branded swordsman, Charlotte! The saviour of the city! And the world! You are SpiderWoman!"

Charlotte can feel herself coming back to her senses, her consciousness returning and that impulse in her chest had vanished. She lifts her helmet off her head and looks around. She saw all of the apostles running away. Irvine and Locus are helping Grunbeld get back onto his feet after he had turned back into his human form. The bodies of the apostles that she had slain had reverted to their previous human forms.

The town itself is still on fire, bodies litter the streets and screams of terror fill the air. Charlotte knew she had to get out here and fast. She rushes over to the stables where her horse is being kept. She was relieved when she saw that her horse was okay. She hops on and rides off away from all of the chaos and towards the border.

On top of a hill not too far away, the Skull Knight has defeated Zodd who flew away along with the band of the Hawk. "So the struggler now possesses the armour", the knight stated. "She even defeated the dragon and most of the soldiers". Next to him stood a woman with long red hair in a crimson dress with a hat on her head. "You did well saving her ego from the od, Wanda". The knight congratulated.

The witch smiles. "It's nothing Mr Skull Knight", she spoke. "I'm just doing my job. Do you think the Black Spider Woman will be okay after experiencing such an enormous strain on her body?". The Skull Knight goes into thought. "She is a strong one. She will be just fine as long as she doesn't get lost in her rage". Wanda sighs, "Let's just hope so".

On top of another hill nearby, a huge muscular man has been watching the chaos from afar. He had heard about the commotion from his lair and came out to see what it was about. What he saw made him astonished, never before had he seen a human being take on a beast as large as a dragon.

"So... that woman can take on demons as large as dragons..", he spoke to himself in her low Russian tone. "Even SpiderWoman can take on large apostles, let alone survive the eclipse". The man goes into thought, eventually coming up with a little theory of his own. "Could it be possible that SpiderWoman and that woman in the armour are the same people...?". He then grins with excitement," Looks like I now have new prey, this will be exciting".

To be continued

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