Familiar Paths

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"I want you Charlotte, to be a part of the Spider Society". Miguel told Charlotte. The moment Miguel said those words, a vision flashed before Charlotte's eyes, it was like a Memory from a previous life had emerged and was now playing in Charlotte's vision. Where Miguel was, now showed the white-haired man with an innocent smile on his face, he was standing on a hill with a sword by his side. "I want you, Guts", the boy says before the vision vanishes. Charlotte felt lightheaded from the deja vu but the dizziness went away after a short time.

"Wha...?" She mutters, confused about what happened. "were you even listening?!", Miguel asks. Charlotte draws her attention back to Miguel but when she lays eyes on him, her mind is reminded of that white-haired man from her dreams. Charlotte began breathing unevenly, the situation that she was currently in looked familiar from a previous life. Miguel saw that Charlotte was acting up, "you okay?" He asks, reaching out a hand. Charlotte swiftly grabs Miguel's wrist before he can even touch her. She has a dark look in her eyes as if she is standing in front of a horrible person. Miguel got concerned with Charlotte's sudden change in behaviour.

Charlotte lets go of Mig's hand, puts her sword back in its case and starts backing off. "Where are you going?", Miguel asks. "Are you willing to join or not?". "I uhh... I'll think about it!", Charlotte stutters. "I just... haven't made up my mind yet, that's all". Miguel can tell there is something in Charlotte's mind and starts walking towards her. Charlotte is quick to shoot webs at her cloak that was on the ground, flings it over to her and puts it back on. "I said I'll think about it!", she barks, her aggression flaring up as Miguel approaches her. "We don't have time for you to have a little 'think about it', are you willing to join or not?", Miguel asks in a low dark tone.

"Hey! Leave her be!", a variant appears, grabbing Mig's attention. "It doesn't matter if she wants to think about Huntsman!", Miguel growls. "She should've made her decision when I made the offer to her". When Miguel looked back forward, Charlotte was gone.

Charlotte was running down the many halls of the Spider Society, her mind was playing the senses of her dreams with that white-haired man. "I gotta get outta here! I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!", she yells frantically. "How do I get outta here?!". She begins running around the large open areas of the Spider society in search of a way back to her world. She didn't want to be here, she could sense that white-haired man in that O'Hara guy, it was like they were both similar to each other. Her instincts are telling her not to trust him because if she does, something bad will happen to her.

The many variants watch her run past, some were even pushed out of the way. Eventually, she knew that if she were to get out of there, she'd have to ask someone for help. "Excuse me", she asked a random variant, "How do I get back to my world?", the Variant seemed kind enough, "ah you must be lost", the Variant spoke. "Okay, tell me the name of your world and I'll gladly send you there", Charlotte froze, "world... name?", she shutters, unable to know what the name of her world is.

Suddenly, there was a loud blurring alarm noise. Everyone looks down at their watch as it is broadcast a message from Miguel. "All stations! Stop what you are doing and stop SpiderWoman!", he commands. The Variants were all confused and pointed at every Female Variant that was around. "Dios mío, Charlotte, Charlotte Patterson! The Black Spider Woman!", Miguel corrects. "Stop her before she gets back into her world!". Every Spider Variant turn and look at Charlotte. She got a bad feeling that everything was about to go down. They were all surrounding her, like the apostles during the eclipse.

"Look!", Charlotte begged, "I was offered to join you guys but I declined! So please! Just let me go!", the Variants all closed in on her, not listening to a word that she was saying. Charlotte knew if she wanted to go back to her world, she'd have to fight her way outta there. She hissed and bared her teeth, daring anyone to come at her. Eventually, a brave knight like Variant stepped forward, he had a sword that was in a case by his side. He pulls it out and points it forward at Charlotte. "I heard you're a swordswoman like me!", he spoke. "Draw your sword and face me, Black Spider Woman!", Charlotte huffs before pulling out her massive sword.

The Variants all gasp at the sight of Charlotte's massive broad sword, the blade itself is large enough to slice a full-grown man in half. Spider-Knight pulls out his sword, which is way smaller than Charlotte's mighty blade, the blade that she uses to kill apostles. "Let's duel for your freedom!" Spider-Knight states. "If you win, you earn your freedom, but if I win, you'll be a part of the Spider society!". The statement sounded familiar to Charlotte but she shrugged it off and swung her sword full-force at Spider-Knight's sword and broke it clean in half with just one swing. Everyone gasps with shock and surprise, Spider-Knight looks at his broken sword with shock and disbelief. "Wha... no! I-IMPOSSIBLE!!", he yells.

Charlotte puts her sword back in its case and swings away. The Variants began chasing after her. Charlotte needs to find a way back to her world, 'screw this place! That Blue Panther Bastard can go suck it!'. She thought to herself. She narrowly avoids flying Variants who were trying to get her. "FUCK OFF!! ALL OF YOU!!", she yelled. She pulls out her sword once again and slashes an incoming Variant across the chest, injuring them. The Variants saw it and stopped in their tracks, seeing that Charlotte was serious and would kill in order to get back home. Miguel on the other hand still chased after her, he knew Charlotte had a sword and was ridiculously strong, he would catch her and she would be his.

Suddenly, Variant catches Charlotte and brings her to an area where they couldn't be seen. She fights back and acts aggressively towards the Variant. "Shh, wait, I'm here to help!", the Variant says. "How do I know to trust you?!", Charlotte asks hostility. The Variant pulls off his mask, revealing to be Hunter!?. Charlotte gasped, "W-what!? HUNTER?!", she gasped. "Greetings, Charlotte, I am Hunter Wadley from Earth 4626981807, but most like to call me, Huntsman". Charlotte is speechless at what she is seeing. "Soo... you're like Hunter... but from an alternative universe?", she spoke in a weary tone. "Yes", Huntsman replies. "Now quick, come with me! I know how to get you home!". Huntsman grabs Charlotte by the hand and the two run off.

Both Spider Variants managed to avoid the army of Spdiersona's and straight to the Go Home Machine. "Okay Charlotte, just stand on that platform", Huntsman explained. The two are lucky that Spider-Byte is offline today which gives them an advantage. Charlotte gets onto the platform and the scanners scan her DNA, getting her world's coordinates. A giant spider-like thing emerges from a hole and starts creating colourful objects around her.

"Charlotte! Before you go...", Huntsman calls out. "Miguel will stop at nothing to capture you! So stay alert and avoid him at all costs! And also, tell your version of me I said hi!". Charlotte smiles, "Tell your version of me I said hi too", she calls back. Then both of their sense go off. Miguel bursts through the glass wall on all fours and charges towards Charlotte. "STOP HER!! NOW!!", he commands. Unfortunately for him, he only got halfway to the machine when it sent Charlotte back to her home world. Huntsman creates a portal back to his world, takes off his gizmo watch and tosses it away before entering the portal, quitting his service as a member of the Spider-Society on the spot.

Charlotte tumbles out of the portal and onto the ground below. She gets back up and examines her surroundings, she is in Campbelltown. She puts her cloak hoodie over her head and wanders off. I'm her mind, she thought to herself. 'That guy will stop at nothing to get me back into that little clubhouse of his! I need to be on high alert for him and his servants. But most importantly, why does he remind me of that white-haired man? Who is that white-haired man anyway?".

To be continued

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