The darkness of the Abyss

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In the deepest chambers of the dungeons, SpiderWoman is left dangling by her wrist by chains, specially crafted to resist her superior strength and abilities, she has been stripped of all of her clothing, leaving her bear in-front of her torturer. A man is swinging his whip and slashes her flesh with the leather and a piece of glass that has been attached to the tip of the whip. With every slash, Charlotte lets out groans and yelps of pain as her skin is sliced open. After a little bit, the torturer stops whipping her and puts the whip down. "Now Milady, do you repent your behaviour?". He asks, picking up a metal pole and began heating it with a furnace. Charlotte didn't say a word, staying silent after being slashed dozens of times. Her skin has been damaged and her wounds are oozing blood.

"...", the torturer removes the pole from the furnace, revealing that it was now glowing yellow with heat. "Last chance to emit it". He spoke. "Do you repeat your actions against Falconia?". Charlotte lifts her head and stares deeply into the torturer's eyes. "Kiss my ass". She spat. The torturer frowns before poking her with the hot metal. To his surprise, Charlotte didn't seem affected by the heat, hell the heat wasn't even leaving a burn mark or any wound on her body. "What!?", he gasped. "How are you". Charlotte grins just chuckles. "Fool... to think that a little heat would do anything to me!", she taunts.

The Torturer seemed offended by her words and started hitting her with the pole. "HOW DARE YOU!!". He yells. "HOW DARE YOU RESIST THE HEAT!!! YOU DAMN WHENCH!! I'LL MAKE YOU EXPERIENCE SUCH PAIN UNTIL YOU REPENT!!". After a good while of beating Charlotte with the pole, eventually, the metal cools down from her blood and she is a bloody mess. She was on the verge of losing consciousness but she continued to fight against the pain. The Torturer huffs and puffs from exhaustion and drops the pole. He looks back at his captive before asking. "So... do you understand now?". He huffed. Charlotte didn't answer, she was too busy fighting the pain to say a single word.

The Torturer picks up the pole and raises it high. "ANSWER ME DAMNIT!!!" He screams. "DO YOU REPENT OR NOT!!". Just as he was about to strike Charlotte again, he was stopped. "That is enough!". He turns to see Griffith standing by the door. "Lord Griffith!", he gasp. "You have done enough already, she's probably learned her lesson now", Griffith spoke. "But to be extra sure, lock her in a cell and leave her there for a couple of nights". "Yes sir". The Torturer agrees and pulls Charlotte down from her shackles and carries her to a cell. Griffith walks out of the dungeon, feeling satisfied that his new Queen is being taught a lesson. Once she gets used to him, they'll both be married and he will have a new Queen.

Charlotte lays on the ground in intense pain. Her body is too weak to move and the dungeon is dark. She wonders how long they are going to keep her here, will she ever make it out alive? 'Damn! My body won't move!', she thought to herself. 'That bastard did a massive toll on me!'. She tries to pick herself up but fails. 'It's no use, I can't... move..'. Charlotte can feel herself slips away from consciousness, no matter how hard she tried to stay away, she eventually slips away.

Charlotte is running, running from something. But the thing is, she isn't herself, but a man, with one arm and one eye. She was also carrying a massive sword. Who knows what is behind her but it was something terrifying. After running forever, she finally gets away.

'Damn! I finally got away. She thought to herself. 'Just what was that thing anyway?'. Suddenly she sensed something, making her turn around swiftly but she saw nothing. Then, she saw someone up ahead, it didn't take her long to see that it was a woman. She has dark skin, and short dark hair and is wearing a white gown. Charlotte begins stumbling towards the woman.

"H-hey!", she calls out. "You there!". The woman has her back turned to her. "Hey! I'm talking to you!". Charlotte then begins running towards the woman. She reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder. That was when the woman turns but instead of seeing a woman's face, the woman turns into...

Charlotte startled awake, even managed to sit up. She breathes heavily, sweat drips down her face and mixes with her blood. 'Was that... just a dream?'. She thought to herself. She calms down before bringing her knees to her chest. She felt incredibly homesick at this very moment and felt as if she was falling deeper into the depths of despair. She knows she can't stay here for long, she has to get outta here.

"I'm getting outta here". She mumbles to herself, "But how do I get out of here?". She looked over to the cell door, it looked old and worn down. She can easily kick it down with one kick but once she's out, she has to figure out how to avoid all of the guards. "Fuck it!", she mumbles to herself, getting up. "I'll fight my way out of here even if I risk dying!". She walks up to the cell door and kicks it down with one swift kick.

She stumbles out of the cell, spotting her suit and underwear resting on a table. She quickly puts her clothing back on and starts limping up the many stairs that lead her out of the dungeon. The moment reaches the top of the stairs, she finds herself in a room full of armour on display on stands. "Man, look at all of this armour", she mumbled to herself. "I bet most of them are like also a millennial old. I could use some to get past the guards". Suddenly she got a twitch. She looks over and sees a particular set of armour, not just any set of armour...

Charlotte couldn't believe her eyes. The armour set that the Skull Knight told her about, it's there, just sitting on a stand. She walks over to the armour before picking up the wristpiece. "All this time, the armour has been here this whole time!?". She yells quietly. "Guess luck is now on my side". Without further hesitation, she puts on the armour, and this time the whole set.

After equipping the armour, she suddenly felt strange. The pain that was burning around her body hair suddenly disappeared. Charlotte was surprised. "That's weird", she mumbled to herself. "My pain just suddenly vanished". Then her eyes landed on a large sword that was resting on a stool. It looked almost identical to her broadsword, maybe it was her sword. She picks up the sword and rests it on her shoulder. "Now that I'm all geared up, I can get the hell outta here".

"HEY!! YOU THERE!!". Charlotte swiftly turns around to see a guard standing there. "What are you doing out of your cell-". Without thinking, she dashes at the guard and slices him clean in half with her sword. The guard didn't have time to reach on what had happened as his pieces collapsed onto the ground. Charlotte scoffs before dashing out of the room.

To be continued

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