built different

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It didn't take Kraven long to find himself standing on a pathway full of Thousands of Spider Variants, all not bothering to acknowledge his existence. The pain he is feeling is unbearable, unlike anything he has ever felt. What he couldn't get out of his head was how SpiderWoman reacted to getting brutally beaten and his limbs broken.

'How come she can't feel any pain?', he thought to himself, 'did she do something to herself or did she go through something that damaged her pain receptors?'. As he was lost in thought, Miguel had finally caught up to the Russian Mercenary. Immediately, every variant in the society stopped what they were doing and all began to surround Kraven, limiting his chance of escaping down to zero. With his injuries he won't stand a chance, even without his injuries he could barely hold up on his own against the Black SpiderWoman.

"Stop right there Anomaly!", Miguel commands. "With your injuries you won't be able to hold on against us all, even for a second! Surrender peacefully and we will spare you!". In his head, Kraven thought to himself, "Spider People! Why did it have to be Spider People?".

"Hold it right there!". A familiar voice cries out. Everyone looked over and to everyone's shock, it was, Charlotte. She had dragged herself out of Miguel's lab all the way here, leaving a trail of blood. Kraven is mortified but at the same time, annoyed at the fact Charlotte still has not given up. "You..." he shuddered, "how are you still eager to fight!?". Charlotte spits a little bit of blood before growling, "Our fight hasn't finished yet! I may not be able to stand but I can still fight!".

Everyone began to talk and whisper to each other. In their minds, Charlotte is crazy to think she can still win with her injuries. Then a tall punk-like variant appears, carrying strange tech. "Hey bruv, I got something for you", he said with a thick British accent. Miguel immediately recognised the variant, it was Hobie Brown, aka Spider-Punk. He was known for sometimes stealing tech and gadgets from Miggy's lab and at the same time, has a reputation as an anarchist who smashes his guitar over the heads of his foes. Hobie bends down and attaches a strange type of robotic splint to Charlotte's legs. In a few moments, the device began to inject strange spikes into her legs and rearranged the broken bones back into place.

Charlotte is surprised that the device resembled the Berserker Armour's bone-fixing ability. She stands back up and faces the Hunter once more. "Like I said! Our fight isn't over yet!". She stated harshly. Just as she raises her right arm as her only form of a guard, Hobie cuts in. "Hold on bruv", he attaches another tech splint to her left arm which immediately injects metal spikes into her arm and fixes it into its proper position. "Ah! That's better", Charlotte groans with satisfaction, "my greatest appreciation to you". Hobie smirks, getting excited about Charlotte's intentions with Kraven.

"Back to you, Kraven". Charlotte turns her attention back to her opponent. "When I'm down with you, your organs will be nothing but a melted goo that I will slurp up like a smoothie". She grins, revealing her fangs once more. "Who knows, I might kill you some other way, because I might need those organs of yours!". Just as she said that she suddenly leans over and vomits blood, staining the ground with blood. Everyone gasps as Charlotte leans back up and wipes her blood off her mouth. "Shall we continue with our fight?". She spoke.

Kraven is just in a state of confusion and desperation. He just rushes in to attack but Charlotte wastes no time leaping forward and bites down on his shoulder, releasing her venom into him. She releases him, letting him fall to the ground as the venom quickly takes effect and kills him. She licks the blood from her mouth and grunts, "On second thought, your organs wouldn't be of any use to me". She commented. Everyone just stood in their places, unable to say anything.

Charlotte looks around at all of the variants. She spots one that looks like a medic Spider-Man. "Hey", she calls to him. "Are you the medic here?". The variant snaps out of his shocked phase and gives her a nod. "Do you have any organs you can transplant into me? Mine are busted", when she said the sentence, her nose began to leak blood, it wasn't just a normal nosebleed, it was haemorrhaging badly. Spider-Medic said it was a sign of organ damage and she needed to have multiple organs transplanted immediately.

"Come", he tells Charlotte. "We need to give you a transplant immediately, it looks like multiple organs are damaged". A stretcher was brought in and carried the injured woman away despite her saying she was fine with walking. Charlotte knows she's gonna have to take time off for a long time to recover. She does admit that Kraven was strong and unlike any human opponent she's ever faced, but despite his skills and strength, he still succumbed to her.

In the medical room, Charlotte lays on the surgeon's bed, a mask over her face to help her breathe. The doctors prepare their tools and a fresh pair of organs to replace Charlotte's damaged ones. As the anaesthesia is injected into her system, all she can think as her vision fades into black...

....am I dying?"

To be continued

The Black Spider Woman (Under reconstruction)Where stories live. Discover now