A visitor from the future

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Charlotte's senses went off. She weakly sits up and sees a figure standing by the opening of the window. It was a tall figure, around 210 centimetres tall and he was also muscular and lean. She couldn't make out his face because his entire body was in a suit that was dark blue with a glowing red symbol on his chest that resembled both a skull and a spider. Both Dan and Charlotte are weary of the strange man. Is he good? Or is he bad?

"Hey! You there!" Dan calls out. "Who are you?! Why are you just standing there?!". Miguel says nothing, he ignores Dan's calls and has his full attention on Charlotte.

Miguel has been stalking Charlotte for the past 2 months now since the Eclipse. He has noticed her change in behaviour, fighting style and mentality. Ever since the day of the eclipse and the chaos that followed, Miguel has been curious about this world and its inhabitants. Demons, Apostles, elves, legends, they all should only exist in a fairytale but here in this world, they are all real and boy is it such a hellish world.

Miguel then begins climbing on Charlotte's webs towards the duo, slowly to not fall. Both Dans and Charlotte became more weary of the Spider-Man that was moving slowly towards them. Charlotte uses whatever strength she has left to get back up onto her feet and gets ready to flee or attack. "Hey! Get back!" Dan yells. "Just who are you!? Are you good?! Or are you evil?! Answer me!!". Miguel continues to ignore Dan's yells. He is only here for Charlotte, to bring her into the society because he wants to discuss with her.

"SpiderWoman! Do you know this individual?" Dan asks. Charlotte shook her head no. "Do you think he's good?" Dan asks. "Yeah... Nah!". Charlotte wraps an arm around Dan and leaps off the cobweb with Dan in her arms. When Charlotte leapt off the cobweb with Dan and started swinging around the buildings, she felt that Dan was incredibly heavy for her, making her swing to the ground and landing on the ground. Dan wasn't badly hurt, only suffered a few scrapes from the fall. He gets back up, rushes over to Charlotte and helps her back up. "Are you alright?", he asks. "Nrh! I-I'm alright!" She groans. "...Just a bad fall..". Charlotte looked back up at her cobweb to see that the figure was gone. Her senses are telling her that he's not gone and she needs to get outta here because she can tell this guy is bad news.

"Lieutenant...gah... y..you gotta get... nrh!... o-outta here!", Charlotte says, struggling to speak due to the poison in her system. "That guy... he's... gah!... he's still around!". Dan gasps," No SpiderWoman!" He yells, "You've done enough for one night! You can't!". Charlotte growls as her adrenaline kicks in, giving her an extra dose of energy. "I still got gas left in the tank!", she yells. "I can handle it!". Before Dan could argue with her any further, Charlotte webshoots away and swings away.

Charlotte swings through the buildings of northern Sydney, knowing she has no chance against whatever she's up against, the poison has drained her of her strength and it's even a struggle to just swing. She manages to swing over to the Harbour Bridge and lands on top next to the flag pole. She struggles to stand up, using the pole of the flag to support herself. She knows the poison will eventually strip her of all of her strength and she will be powerless for quite some time. Now that she's up against some bodybuilder doppelgänger, her situation just went from horrifying to catastrophic in just a matter of moments.

Suddenly, she got a twitch, an attack from behind. Charlotte turns to react but is quickly tackled off the bridge by Miguel. Charlotte struggles against the large man who has his arms wrapped around her in a tight bear hug, her lack of strength makes it impossible to break free. Eventually the two land on a train that was passing by on the bridge. When the two landed, Charlotte was knocked out of Miguel's grasp, sending her tumbling to the overside of the carriage of the train. She groans in discomfort and her body feels like it is failing her as she tries to stand back up but can't even move her legs. She looks up to see Miguel walking towards her menacingly. She notices that he has claws on his fingers which gives him a terrifying presence.

With the remaining strength she has left, she tries to crawl away from her opponent for she knows she can't win against him. Then her arms failed her, she tried to move but her body was just too heavy for her, the venom had won.
Miguel picks Charlotte up by her waist and holds her underneath his arm as he opens a portal using his gizmo watch and walks in with Charlotte who struggles against his hold with whatever she has left. "D-damn you!" She groans. "L...let... let me go! I... kill you!".

Charlotte now finds herself in a
unfamiliar place. It was dark and open, she could barely move her body so she just lay there on the ground. Even tho her body was trembling and she had chills, her body was sweating like crazy and the bite wound on her shoulder was burning. She could tell the face wound on the right side of her face was gonna heal into a visible scar that would permanently mark her face.

Her sense goes off as a tall figure approaches her and kneels beside her, flipping her over on her back and examining her. Charlotte's vision was blurry, all she could see was a blurry Prussian Blue and slight red staring down at her. She heard muffled voices talking as a bright yellow figure appeared. Her breathing was heavy, she felt like she could vomit at any moment. 'Damn! How long will this poison last in my body?', she thought to herself. 'And who is that?'.

Miguel removes Charlotte's facial mask before ripping off her large cloak, revealing the bite wound on her shoulder. He grabs her chin, moves her face to the side and examines the cut on her face. "Oh dear", Lyla spoke. "That's gonna heal into a scar. But she'll look like a badass warrior!". "Lyla, not now!", Miguel barks. "Can't you see she's injured!". Lyla frowns. "Well if she's injured, why did you bring her here instead of letting her go to a hospital? Not to mention the venom in her body will last for another hour". Miguel thought of an excuse to give to Lyla. "Well if she went to a hospital, her identity would be revealed". He explains. Lyla saw through his excuse. "Whatever you say", she asks. Miguel sighs.

Charlotte suddenly felt her strength returning, it was slow but she could feel it. The venom had worn off faster than expected. With the strength she now has, she mutters out three words. "Who... are...you...?"

To be continued

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