Man of the Abyss

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"SpiderWoman! Get up now! Come on mate, wake up! Wake up!". Charlotte manages to cling back to consciousness, waking up, she finds herself underneath a pile of fallen debris. Captain Sullivan was helping remove the debris from her." Come on SpiderWoman, stay with me" he begged. Charlotte groans with discomfort which brings Sullivan's attention. He pulls her out of the pile and slings one of her arms over his shoulders and helps her up. "Come on, let's get you outta here." He says.

Suddenly Charlotte's senses went off. She glances over and spots Isutitia, "Captain heads up!-" Charlottes warns but is cut short when Isutitia charges up and grabs Captain Sullivan by the throat and lifts him. Charlotte was thrown back and she landed on her back." ow! Shit!" She groans. She sits back up and sees Sullivan struggling against Isutitia who is holding him up by the neck.

"Such foul moves". Isutitia snarls. "You have no good sense of justice!". Those were the last words Isutitia told Sullivan before snapping his neck like a twig, killing Sullivan as he goes limp. Charlotte watches with wide eyes as Isutitia drops Sullivan's body and he turns to her. "SpiderWoman, I'm surprised you've managed to make it this far." He said. Charlotte jumps back up but is met with Isutitia tackling her by the leg and throwing her to the ground before picking her up by her neck.

"Let's see who's under that mask of yours". Isutitia says before ripping off Charlotte's mask, revealing her face to him. "So this is the one who's been causing trouble in this city." He states. "All this time, this so-called hero is nothing more than a girl underneath a mask!". Isutitia then slams Charlotte into the ground and gets on top of her. Charlotte hisses in his face, showing off her fangs in an act of intimidation but it doesn't seem to affect Iustitia in the slightest.

"Now let me to allow you to show you, what it means to do the dirty work". He says. He then grabs Charlotte by the neck and holds her head down by her throat as she struggles against him. "I heard you can kill a single person by just biting them with your venomous fangs you have" he states. "I'm not going to allow you to do such a thing before I show you this!".

Just then, he jabs his thumb right into Charlotte's side, making her feel a new type of pain, a pain so excruciating she lets out a scream of pain for the first time in her career as SpiderWoman. "I'm applying pressure to your intercostal nerves" Isutitia explained. "It's a pain that goes beyond description. It's also a pain for those of that of pure heart, and you're going to experience the pain of those who were oppressed by you in your version of justice." Isutitia twirls and digs his thumb deep into Charlotte's rib cage which causes further pain as she screams and cries out, clawing at his arm and squirming around in agony.

Isutitia pulls his thumb out before jamming it into the side again and this time, he uses such force it ends up breaking a rib, causing Charlotte to lose consciousness from the excruciating pain. Isutitia removes his thumb and slams his fist into her side, making her regain consciousness. "I will not allow you to lose consciousness just yet little girl." He said. "I want you to feel every last bit of excruciating pain I can inflict. There are 12 pairs of ribs, which means we have 23 ribs to go and then we are done." Isutitia then jams his thumb into Charlotte's other rib and breaks it.

"Which such a painful death, your soul will be cleansed, all evil in your heart will be gone and your sins will be forgiven". Isutitia spoke as he removed his thumb and jammed it into her fourth rib. Charlotte could only squirm and cry out in pain as her ribs were broken one by one. She has never experienced such pain in her life, at this rate, the pain will kill her. 'So, this is it huh?'. Charlotte thought in her head. 'This is where I die? Killed by a man with a crazed obsession with justice? I didn't even make it to the eclipse...'

Then the break of the 5 ribs. Something clicked inside Charlotte as if an urge to live had triggered something in her. In an act of pure instinct, Charlotte reaches out for Isutitia's lower region and attacks his manhood, causing him to dismount her and jump back in surprise. 'She, she attacked my private parts!' He thought with surprise. 'How bold of her to do such a thing!'.

Charlotte gets back up and leaps at Isutitia but is met with a direct punch to the face. Charlotte wasn't affected by it as she then grabbed his arm and used her other arm and broke his arm by the elbow joint. 'Impossible!' Isutitia yells in his head. 'She broke my arm! Is her pain being dulled by adrenaline? She should be thralling around in pain!'. Charlotte jumps back to gain some distance between her and Isutitia and stares deep into his eyes with a burning fury.

"Isutitia!" She cries out. "For your sins of false justice, I SpiderWoman! Will send you to the deepest parts of hell!". Charlotte then charges in and manages to land a head but to Isutitia's face before delivering a jumping knee strike to his chin and starts bombarding him with jabs and kicks to the face. Isutitia eventually breaks out of Charlotte's attacks and delivers a middle kick to her ribs, which are already cracked at this point. Charlotte moves back and doubles over in pain but regains control of her breathing and faces Isutitia once more.

"No more! I'm going to kill you for what you've done!" Charlotte yells out before charging in and jumps onto Isutitia and bites down onto his neck, injecting her venom into his bloodstream. Isutitia tries to throw Charlotte off but she doesn't budge. Not long later, Isutitia felt a tremendous pain inside him, eventually he collapsed onto his knees as he vomited his blood and fell into a seizure. Charlotte lets go of Isutitia as his body jerks before eventually going limb.

Charlotte collapsed and doubled over in pain from her ribs, groaning in pain and clutching her chest. After a little while of pain, Charlotte finally gets up. She turns to Sullivan who is dead on the ground. She stumbles over to him before collapsing onto her knees next to him. "Captain..." Charlotte whimpers. "You didn't have to die like that. I'm sorry I couldn't... save you". Charlotte then collapses and loses consciousness once again.

The eclipse is in a month, which means she has a month to recover and prepare for the horrors that await.

To be continued

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