Caught in another spiders web

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North Sydney, 12:03 AM

The NSW police have been called due to a sighting of a corpse in
Wear-house. Not only that, a strange individual has been spotted in the area who is suspicious of the crime. Down below, Lieutenant of the NSW Police, William Dan is discussing with his officers.

"Sir, we got word that the suspect may be more than just human." The officer says. "Hell, we even got word that they possess spider-like abilities just like SpiderWoman". "So, we are dealing with a suspect that is either SpiderWoman herself or a doppelgänger that is using SpiderWoman's abilities for her gain". Dan says. "I knew SpiderWoman was just some hero with a secret identity but for the past 2 months, she's been acting off". "Then what do we do lieutenant?", Officer Haps asks. Dan goes into thought and any solutions he can think of.

After a little while, he made a decision. "I'm going in", he says. "What?" Haps gasps. "Alone? No Lieutenant! It's too dangerous!". "Haps, I can handle it" Dan reassured. "Even if it's SpiderWoman or not, I'm sure I can handle it". Dan then enters the building with his pistol in his hands. On top of a building nearby, Charlotte stands alone in the darkness, her cloak flows in the wind and her black suit makes her invisible in the night. She can sense the menace that is lurking in the building that Lieutenant Dan has entered. She knows Dan won't stand a chance against the beast so she has to go in and interfere. Without further delay, she swings down and enters the building from a window.

Dan searches around the building for any signs of life. He has searched most of the building and 2 floors but so far and there is nothing. He is now climbing up the stairs to the 3rd floor with his pistol pointing straight ahead. When he makes it up the top of the stairs, he opens the door and walks in and what he sees makes his jaw drop. Up above the ceiling, there were rows of cobweb cocoons and rows of webs, almost like a spider's lair. "What the.." Dan shutters, "Is SpiderWoman behind all of this?".

"My, my. This is a surprise, the Lieutenant of the NSW Police force has entered my little lair". A woman's voice echoes, alerting Dan. "WHO'S THERE!?" He yells. "SHOW YOURSELF!!!". There was chuckling before silence. "SpiderWoman!! Is this you!?", Dan calls out. "Oh please, don't compare me to that little web-swinging brat", the woman replies, emerging from the darkness. She was a tall skinny woman, with very long raven hair and she was completely naked. "Welcome to my ground's Lieutenant, make yourself at home". The woman walks up to Dan who pointed his gun at her which didn't seem to bother her.

"Don't come any closer!" He commands. Suddenly, his gun was snatched from his hands by a strain of web. "I don't like it when my guest brings weapons onto my lair", the woman states. "It brings me discomfort that people would go to such measures to bring weapons when they come to see me". The woman is now in front of Dan, who is shaking at this point. "Just who the hell are you?", he asked. The woman just smirks "The name Arana, and I'm the one who you call Spider Woman". She wraps her arms around Dan in a subduing manner. "Don't mind the party balloons, you can only focus on me".

Dan tries to struggle against Arana but cannot break free from her grip. "Don't be so worked up officer~", she cooed. "Just focus on my voice, I'll make you feel really good~". For some reason, Dan was enchanted by Arana's words, as if she had put a curse on him or something. Arana opens her mouth, revealing fangs like a vampire. "Now just relax and focus on me", she coos and goes to bite Dan but is stopped when he is suddenly ripped away from her arms by a mysterious web. Arana looks to see SpiderWoman standing has invaded her lair and now has Dan by her side.

Dan snaps out of his phase and sees SpiderWoman, the real SpiderWoman has come. "SpiderWoman!", he gasps. Charlotte looks at Dan and tells him to get outta here. "So it's you", Arana hissed. "You've come". Charlotte says nothing and pulls out her sword and gets into a stance. Arana smirks at Charlotte's boldness and transforms into her apostle form. "Some on SpiderWoman, let's see who's the better spider!!", she yells. Her form takes the form of a giant Tarantula Spider.

Charlotte is the one to make the first move and charges at the beast and swings her sword but is blocked by Arana's massive fangs. "You're fast! I'm impressed!" Arana coos. "But I can assure you, I'm the better Spider!". Charlotte moves back and swipes at Arana again and again, blocked at all times. Charlotte leaps into the air and shoots her webs at the apostle, manages to tie the beast up, uses all of her strength to throw Arana across the wear house and slams her into the ground.

Arana lets out groans of discomfort but gets back up. Charlotte rushes in and swings her sword at Arana and manages to slice off one of her 8 legs, causing Arana to let out a scream and swat at Charlotte but she dodges the attack. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!!", Arana screams. "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!". Charlotte grins underneath her mask. "I guess I'm the better spider here", she giggles. Arana roars and shoots out webs of her own at Charlotte but Char is too fast for Arana and dodges all of the attacks.

Dan watches from afar. For the first time, he gets to watch Charlotte fight and take on a monster. With the swing of her sword, she was like a highly skilled swordsman, swinging her sword so fast, you can't see the blade. Deep inside Charlotte, there was an impulse that was rising in her chest. She felt like there was something dark, calling out and roaring.

The wear house itself contained explosive material that was highly flammable. All it took was the swaying of Charlotte's sword to screech the ground, creating a few sparks that ignited the material. The resulting ignition lit up the whole room which was very large itself. The light created an illusion that made Charlotte look like a beast. Dan got a feeling in his chest that made him think that SpiderWoman wasn't normal, anymore. Ever since the eclipse, things haven't been normal, SpiderWoman has become no more, than a cold shell that hunters monsters just for the fun of it.

"SpiderWoman..." Dan shuddered. "What has become of you...?". Arana makes another attempt to swat Charlotte who then attempts to dodge the attack but Arana's spider hand manages to grip Charlotte's mask and in an instant, the mask is ripped off Charlotte's head, revealing her face to both Arana and Dan who gasp at the sight of her face. Due to how quickly it was, Charlottes didn't realize immediately that her mask was ripped off, it was then she realized it when she saw the mask in Arana's hand before it got ripped to shreds by the Spider lady who was angry at this point.

"I just have about enough of you!", Arana snarls. "I'm gonna make sure you suffer before you meet your end!". Charlotte growls before charging at Arana once more with her sword. Just as she swings the blade directly at the beast, Arana grabs Charlotte with her spider arms and bites down on her shoulder, earning a pained scream from the Swordswomen. "Finally", Arana growls as she lets go of Charlotte, letting her leap back to create some distance between them. Charlotte examines her bite wound, noticing that it broke the skin deeply and ripped her suit slightly. She didn't think too much of it. It has now encouraged her even more. She grins maliciously, showing off her fangs. "So you like biting Spider-Tart", she states. "So be it then! I'll show you biting!".

To be continued

The Black Spider Woman (Under reconstruction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora