Tough Spider

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After taking a punch to her side, Charlotte continued fighting as if she wasn't even hit. Kraven is surprised that Charlotte cannot feel any pain which puts him at a major disadvantage. His main method of fighting his opponents is to inflict as much pain on them as to subdue them, but since Charlotte can't feel any pain, defeating her will be a huge challenge for him.

Charlotte charges in a delivers a high kick to Kraven's chin, sending him back as he momentarily loses consciousness for a second. He is quick to regain his balance, spots Charlotte is about to deliver an uppercut and moves out of the way just in time. In his mind he thought to himself, 'Does this woman even have a grip on herself? How can I beat her?'. Just then Charlotte delivers a counter Hook and strikes him in the chest, knocking the air out of him. Charlotte then goes in to deliver a jab to Kraven's face but he somehow manages to grab her fist before she can land a hit and uses his other hand to grab her mask and rip it off, revealing her face to him.

Charlotte leaps back to create some distance between her and
Kraven, shocked at how Kraven had just ripped off her mask. Kraven waves it around in his hand, taunting her. "What's the matter? Not happy without your mask?", he taunts. Charlotte felt a sense of anger build up but it died down quickly. She just scoffs like it was not that of a big deal.

"Who cares about some stupid mask", she grunts, "I have plenty of spares and I don't have to worry about you soon once I have killed you". Kraven throws the mask away like a paper ball and gets back into a stance. "Kill me? I don't think so", he scoffs, not believing a single word that Charlotte is saying. Charlotte charges in to land an attack, but Kraven delivers a powerful punch to her stomach which sends her back a few meters but Charlotte lands on her feet and stands there unaffected. She grins arrogantly, revealing her fangs to Kraven. "That's more like it! NOW YOU'RE TRYING!". Charlotte yells and throws a powerful punch and strikes him clean in the face. She then lands another punch on his stomach, causing Kraven to spit out blood. Charlotte then goes on to throw punch after punch with just her one functional arm, even throwing a few kicks. At this rate, she is the one dominating the fight. She was so confident at the beginning of the fight she had forgotten about her webs but it's not like she needed them now that she is dominating.

Eventually, she lands a very powerful kick to Kraven's stomach that sends him flying back into a wall. Kraven falls and kneels on one knee as he is unable to stand up after taking such a beating. Charlotte can tell he is on the verge of losing consciousness, "give up! At this rate you will never win!", she spoke, "If you give in I'll make sure I'll give you a quick and painless death!". Kraven spits out blood and gets back up. Charlotte frowns and goes in to deliver a roundhouse kick with her right leg to the head but Kraven catches her leg which takes Charlotte by surprise. Kraven then delivers a turning kick of his own and hits her on the hip with such force it bents Charlotte's femur bone and dislocates it from the hip.

Charlotte hops up from her one leg and kicks Kraven hard in the face, making him let go of her leg. She lands on her side but quickly backs up onto her remaining functional leg and leaps back to create some distance between her and Kraven. She inspects the damage and immediately knows her leg is broken and now she can't run away or even fight properly. "Impressive, you managed to break my arm and leg", she said calmly again. "Interesting, it appears I have underestimated you". Meanwhile, Kraven is having trouble withstanding, he is even surprised that Charlotte can still even stand with just one leg.

Charlotte lets out a sigh, showing off her fangs once again. Kraven knows she can't fight with her usual stance now that one of her arms and legs are broken which now gives him the advantage. He stumbles over to her to finish her off back just as he goes in to throw a punch, Charlotte then leaps onto him, crawls onto his back and wraps her arm around his throat. Kraven is shocked at her sudden attack and tries to pry her arm off his throat but her physical strength is undeniable. "I'm not gonna give up so easily just because a few bones are broken!", she chants. "Have you forgotten about how I am!?". She goes in to bite him But Kraven jumps up into the air and slams himself back first into the ground, using his body weight to crush Charlotte underneath him and somehow make her let go.

He gets up and looks down at Charlotte who is now struggling to breathe. She tries to get up but she can't even though she can't feel any pain. Worse yet, she felt her diaphragm had been squashed and some organs didn't feel right, they didn't hurt but they just felt out of place. "Ouch! Damn.... You really... did a total... on me!", she groans. Kraven was just in pain and collapsed onto one knee again. "Huff.... Puff.... I guess we both did a total on each other", he added, clearly out of breath and in pain. Charlotte can tell she has done a lot of damage to him. "I guess... we could.... c-call it...a...a draw t-then", she groans while weakly grinning.

Suddenly a portal opens beneath the two and they both fall through.

To be continued

The Black Spider Woman (Under reconstruction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz