A visitor with a warning

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1 week later

A week has passed since the incident at Saint Mary's Church. Charlotte wasn't badly injured during the fight but she was left with a few bruises. Today she's taking the day off from being SpiderWoman and is currently walking her dog on some old railway tracks. It was a cool autumn day, not too hot, not too cold, just the right temperature. Charlotte's mind has been plagued with Zodd's words for days, they haunt her like ghosts as she tries to go on with her day.

'So, soon I'm going to die a horrifying death huh'. She thought to herself. 'I've been through many life-threatening situations many times before but this time I'm actually going to die! Well... at least I lived a good life.' Charlotte felt like she was accepting her own fate. She had great friends, had a good childhood and even got to be a superhero and saved lives. Her life was good, right?

Suddenly she felt a twitch. She turns around but sees nothing, was it in her head? Then she felt a presence and the sound of hooves thundering. She swiftly turns around and to her surprise, finds herself face to face with a man wearing strange bony armour riding a horse with strange medieval armour. Charlotte stares at the being with caution, it could be another monster like those other two beings that she fought. "Who are you!?" She asked. "Are you looking for trouble!?". Charlotte awaits its response.

"So the gears have indeed begun turning" the knight spoke. "Struggler, take heed" Charlotte raised a brow. 'Who is this guy? And what did he just call me?'. She thought in her head. The knight continues. "One month hence shall be the time of the eclipse!! You and other lambs!! Those yet unseen of the fleshless flesh!! And half of yours determined to rule shall all be gathered then in that place!! A torrent of madness, a tempest of death for which the human body could never atone, shall sweep over you!! But take heed, struggler!! You were gifted and forged from when your land burned and you took heed in your power and used it for the benefit of not only you but others!! You are closer to death than anyone. This you excel in escaping it for you did with others!! Struggle, contend, wriggle!! That alone is the sword of one who confronts death!! Never forget this!!"

"Just who are you exactly?!" Charlotte cries out. "And what are you talking about?! An eclipse in a month? Just what's going on?" The knight continues. "Hidden away in a chamber, your biggest foe has something that will help you!! Go, retrieve it and you shall stand up in the abyss of despair even with a broken sword". The knight then turns away and rides off and disappears. "H-Hey! Wait!" Charlotte calls out but the knight is already gone. "W-was that an illusion?" She mumbled to herself. She looks down and sees a Hobie mark on the ground. "No, it wasn't.".

Night time over Sydney and the buildings glow with glory. Charlotte stood on top of the building next to Kingpin's tower in her Spider suit, her black cloak flowing with the wind. Charlotte is going to break inside and look for what the Skull Knight told her to find. Whatever she needs to find, it must be something powerful. Charlotte leaps from the building and swings down to the top of Kingpin's tower and near a vent opening. She pulls the cover off and crawls inside.

After crawling for a few minutes, she crawls out of the vent and into Kingpin's treasury room. Kingpin has collected so much stuff over the years, including medieval weapons, armour, tools, paintings, artifacts, etc. Charlotte walked around the room, fascinated by the artifacts that she is seeing. She then noticed a broad sword that was just sitting on a stand. For some reason, she was attracted to it. She picks it up and examines it, giving it a few swings.

"Hmm, I like this," Charlotte says. "I'm taking it". Charlotte then noticed a dagger reset on a stool. "Ooh, that looks cool, I'll be taking that too". Charlotte picks up the dagger. Suddenly, she got a twitch, turning around to see a full set of armour resting by a stool in a sitting position. It was black in colour and was made up of small pieces and the helmet resembled a dog's head. For some reason, it was drawing Charlotte in, like a magnetic force was pulling her towards it.

Charlotte reaches out and touches the armour with her finger. Immediately she was hit with a deja vu, it felt like she had worn this armour before, but in a previous life or something. "Woah, this armour, is it really calling out for me?" Charlotte mumbles to herself.

She picks up the arm of the armour and equips it on. She gave it a little fidget with her fingers and felt satisfied. "Man, this feels nice, I'm taking this armour". Charlotte mumbles again. She equips the other arm to her arm before putting on the armour boots for her legs. Before she could equip the thigh armor she suddenly got a twitch.

Suddenly the wall next to her collapses. Charlotte jumps out of the way of the falling debris and now finds herself face to face with a huge bulky-looking man. He looked to be around 200 Centimeters tall and must weigh 150 kilograms, almost 3 times Charlotte's size for she is 168 centimeters tall and weights 57 kilograms. "Jeez, it be better if I wasn't disturbed but instead I'm now faced with some random weirdo". Charlotte complains.

"SpiderWoman" the man started. "I've waited so long for this moment. I, Isutitia will bring you down!" Charlotte smirks underneath her mask, "we'll see about that". She grins.

To be continued

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