The Black SpiderWoman

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2 months later

Screams echo from an alleyway as a woman backs up into a corner while surrounded by shady-looking men, all with bad expressions on their faces. "Look what we have here", a man says. "A beautiful young lady walking here all alone". "Please, don't hurt me!" The woman cries, "I'll give you anything but please don't touch me!". The men all move in closer to the woman who then cries out for anyone to come save her. "HELP!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!". Suddenly, a dark figure appeared. The men and woman looked to see that the figure was mostly hidden by a large black cloak, but their face was visible, all they could make out was a familiar black mask.

"Oh no, it's SpiderWoman!" One man gasped. "Just what do you think you're gonna do to this poor lady?", Charlotte asked in a dark tone. "I hope it's not what I think you were planning to do". One man lets out a grunt before yelling. "So what if it's you! There's one of you and 4 of us! We can easily take on a little girl like you!". The man charges in to throw a punch but is immediately slammed into the wall by Charlotte who delivers an extremely powerful kick. The 3 remaining men all stood there in shock, one even wet himself. Charlotte turns to the remaining men, "anyone else wanna have a go?", she asks darkly.

The men shook their heads no. "That's what I thought", Charlotte spoke. "Now get outta here". The men all took off running, leaving their unconscious friend behind. The woman sighs with relief, "thank you so much SpiderWoman", she says. Charlotte hums with appreciation, "Don't stretch it mate, I'm only doing what's best for this world". She spoke monotonously before webshooting a building swings away.

It has almost been 2 months since the eclipse and things still haven't been getting better for Charlotte. Ever since the eclipse, Charlotte's views on the world changed and her psyche had been damaged and will never be the same ever again. Her wounds have healed has gotten stronger from training and battling apostles around the area. For the past month and a half, she has been going around fighting and killing apostles with her new sword and sheer physical strength. Everyone around her has noticed that she's changed significantly, it was the way she walked, the way she spoke, and her tone gave it away that she has been through hell itself. When Charlotte lost her Sword during the eclipse, James took the opportunity to set up a black smith in his backyard and scrapped together as much metal he could find and forged a brand new sword for Charlotte. He made sure that the sword is big enough and durable enough to take on apostles and other supernatural beings.

Since the Eclipse she had noticed some other changes. Every time she encounters an apostle, not only does her spider senses go off, but she also gets a tingling feeling on the back of her neck. Hunter says he had a similar tingling feeling every time an apostle came near him but this time it was on his left pectoral chest. Ever since Charlotte left the hospital, she has been having weird dreams. In those dreams, she was a man, a tall muscular man with one eye, one arm and a huge sword that was too big to be called a sword. Not only that, she also sees a dark-skinned woman with short hair, Zodd, The Skull Knight, a boy with long blonde hair, some other people who she doesn't recognise, and most importantly, a man with long white hair in shiny armour. She didn't know who this man was but he looked familiar.

As of now, Charlotte is walking down the sidewalk. Her long black cloak covers most of her body and hides her physique and her sword is hidden underneath. She has been wandering around Sydney and the surrounding areas for any signs of demon activity, but so far nothing has happened today. Suddenly, she got a twitch, something was going on in the alleyway that was nearby. She wanders over to it and sees something strange.

It was a woman, in her apostle form all tied up in a strange glowing red string. Not only that, there was a strange portal that died down and disappeared. The apostle is in the form of a giant bat-like creature with massive teeth. The beast struggles against its restraints, unaware of the woman who glaring her day with a dark expression in her eyes. Charlotte walks up to the beast, pulls out her sword and raises it high. The apostle stops its struggles and looks up at none other than, the Black SpiderWoman.

Charlotte swings the blade down onto the beast, killing it with one swing. Blood splatters everywhere as the beast reverts back to its human form. Charlotte swipes her sword and flicks the blood off the blade before putting it back into its case. She doesn't give the corpse another look, turning away and walking away, back into the light of the city in her continuous quest for defeating demon kind.

To be continued

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